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While we are waiting for Pets 2.0, can we get some more smaller QoL changes?


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I like what DE started when they removed statis and made the Nutrio segment disable gene decay altogether. Let's have some more QoL changes before the full rework which may still take a while.

  • Don't block usage of existing pets while a new one is being bred or has a gene template taken.
  • Let the Nutria segment disable the loyalty system, too.
  • If possible without a deeper code rework, let Sentinels also go down and be revivable instead of dying outright (and allow bleed-out related mods on Sentinels).
  • Make sentinel skins universal - so many nice skins are limited to a particular sentinel, meanwhile, Kubrow and Kavat skins are not restricted to subspecies.
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Make the Djinn constant respawn mod universal for all companions, including animals, and shorten the time between respawns. I like using other sentinels like Helios to scan things for me as well as apply vulnerability when scanning completed enemies, but they're non-viable in lategame because they die too easily.

Scratch that, make it intrinsic for all companions.

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