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Oxylus sentinel not applying dye



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On 2020-08-29 at 7:47 PM, Slayer-. said:

Also don't forget to go to Cephalon Simaris to get the latest mod for Oxylus. It scans plant life, so really great for players who need to get the scans.

The new mod is called Botanist Oxylus Sentinel will scan plants within 50m over 2s. This consumes codex scanner charges.

Is this why my helius doesn't scan plants anymore automatically?

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6 hours ago, Slayer-. said:

Can do. 👍 

I'm on PC so conditions may differ.  This is my just scan stuff and no killing.

Thanks, didn't work, couldn't duplicate the config exactly (not enough forma), but worth a go. 

This is a pain for me as I can't readily use the bait. I don't have access to the ability menu on my standard controller layout because I don't use the default layout. 

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On 2020-09-19 at 1:09 AM, (NSW)SongOfTheSea said:

Its bugged Oxylus highlights in deimos but the other two it does not apply

After reading your post I went and re-tested mine in the other two open worlds of Orb Vallis and Plains Of Eidolon, Oxylus is working in them both, So all three open worlds mine works in.

DE will need to look at the code for the different platforms and see why it's broken for some. 

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It seems to be pretty consistently bugged on all consoles, including PS4.  I even took off all mods except the "Scan Aquatic" one so there could be no possibility of ability interference, but it just does not work on Orb Vallis or Plains of Eidolon.  From what I can tell it was like this for PC for a while...rather than address the issue they'll probably ignore the issue until the updates for console catch up to PC, at which point it will "mysteriously" be resolved.  🤔

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I'm having the same problem.  Tried re-arranging the mods, equipping other sentinels and then switching back, etc.  Even went to the Vallis to make sure DE didn't do something weird like make the precept only work on robo-fish.  Nothing.

I only use Oxylus when doing those rare fishing challenges for Nightwave.  No way I'm gonna spend an hour dumping dyes in the water.

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22 minutes ago, CobraCommanderPrime said:

just a thought, have you accidentally unequipped the mods?
i dont recall of oxy has dye as in innate ability or if its part of detect life... not in game so excuse the brainstorm.

Nope, it's built into the mod Scan Aquatic Lifeforms 


Also don't forget to go to Cephalon Simaris to get the latest mod for Oxylus. It scans plant life, so really great for players who need to get the scans.

The new mod is called Botanist Oxylus Sentinel will scan plants within 50m over 2s. This consumes codex scanner charges.

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45 minutes ago, CobraCommanderPrime said:

just a thought, have you accidentally unequipped the mods?
i dont recall of oxy has dye as in innate ability or if its part of detect life... not in game so excuse the brainstorm.

I did check the mod. It's there. Probably a bug.

32 minutes ago, Slayer-. said:

The new mod is called Botanist Oxylus Sentinel will scan plants within 50m over 2s. This consumes codex scanner charges.

I should get this as well. Thanks for the information!

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