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what resistance type would be better for the new pets?


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26 minutes ago, (XB1)C11H22O11 said:

Can you take imprints from them

Nope. You don't even get the genetic tools tab for them at all.


As for resistances, if the wiki is still accurate:

Cloned Flesh = -50% Gas, -50% Void, -25% Impact damage taken & +25% Slash, +25% Heat, and +75% Viral damage taken.
Robotic = -25% Slash and -25% Toxin damage taken & +25% Puncture, +25% Radiation, +50% Electricity.
Proto Shield = -50% Puncture, -50% Heat, -50% Corrosive damage taken & +15% Impact, +25% Toxin, and +75% Magnetic damage taken.
Alloy Armor = -50% Slash, -50% Electricity, -50% Magnetic damage taken & +15% Puncture, +25% Cold, and +75% Radiation damage taken.


I'd say cloned flesh should probably be avoided, Void and gas damage are just way to rare to care about. Whereas slash and heat are extremely common damage types for enemies.
Viral is somewhat rare though so that probably won't be to much of an issue.

Robotic isn't half bad, as slash & toxin are really common damage types. But electric and puncture are also really common. Aka bad for corpus, but good vs infested.

Proto Shield & Alloy Armor are top tier picks for this. Puncture, Heat, Slash, and Electricity are all common damage types. Their +75% type magnetic & radiation are incredibly rare, but both do take increased damage from impact, puncture, & toxin respectively which are also rather common. Still the advantages clearly outweigh the negatives.

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