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Voidrig Nechramech Transference problem



Ok, this might be a dumb question but how can i transference out of my own voidrig nechramech back into my warframe? I managed to transference in without problems but at the end of a mission i stood in front of the necralisk extraction door and pressed all button combinations..... absolutely no effect. I had to quit without saving.

Next time i just tried to let the nechramech die to see what will happen. This was the only way to get back to the Operator.

What am i doing wrong here ?

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You have to be a distance away from the mech to transference back to the Warframe. Normally I just get out of the Mech dash and then transference back to frame. If you want to go back into the mech again you go near it and transfer back. 

It seems to me like the mech has priority over the frame when you enter it.

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I try it again :

Everytime i transference into my voidrog mech there's no way to transference back into my warframe because no button combination lets me jump out of the mech ! I mean every button is reserved for interaction exclusively with the mech so how is it possible to activate operater transference at all ?

I also can't choose the gear wheele to disable the mech.

What am i doing wrong ?

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