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New Zaw Parts?


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In light of kitguns set to receive even more love in the coming weeks, it seems like zaws are long, long overdue for some new strikes/grips. Heck, dual swords, dual daggers, and maybe even fists could be covered by the same grips: think of old cutlasses and their rounded hand guards. Make them bone-like, and make changing the strike swap out the blades extended out of the top for nodules along the front of the guard, turning dual swords/daggers in a set of chonky cestus.

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true. i mean so far we are allied with necralisk's drifts faction, fortuna's faction, and the ostrons. you think by now we could end up having infested, grineer, corpus versions of the kitguns, zaws, and modular pets by now. sure there might be a detail or a few that needs to worked out, but still it seems to be an nice way of encouraging people to go back and forth between these places which for the sake of simplicity I am going to call towns. 

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