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Under used Ability Menu hotkeys slots for controllers


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Hello. I was planning to set Archwing and Archgun Launchers to a controller hotkey instead to open the gear menu to select them when needed. The problem is the whole controller keys slots are in use and it is a quite good selection of actions.


And I don't want to change it. So I realize we uuse the R button (top right trigger) as a modifier, like shift or Ctrl in the keyboard, so R + B is an skill, like in the image bellow:


And as we can see there is plenty slots to use. The problem is we can set up only THREE functions there and even Tactical Menu or Equip Omni isn't an ability! Omni is a Gear!


But we could easily use some quick access to gears here, like in the general set up options:


This is a miss opportunity to give players new options to set up their controllers and quick access. Would be great being able to use it in those empty slots.

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