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Should primaries and secondaries have 10 slots?


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Hi there! i just came up with a thought when i thought of how to balance the primary-secondary-melee meta. the way i see it, melee is currently the most powerful category as you can reliably get red crits to do stupid amounts of damage. (super apparent with the gunblades). i noticed that pets have ten basic mod slots instead of the standard 8 that weapons and warframes have. i know warframes have the exilus slot and the aura slot, and guns have their exilus slot, but lets face it, exilus mods are only quality of life most of the time and at best theyre used for ammo transmute. i had the thought of "why not give primaries and secondaries two more basic mod slots like pets have, but keep melee at 8 as we know those weapons have better potential.

what i think this would fix:

-it would primarily make guns at a much closer level to their melee counterparts in terms of customization and mod potential. this would be because melee weapons have this thing called the combo counter and that has its own mechanics and mods that can bring the weapon to new heights. primaries and secondaries do not have this, and their potential isn't quite as high thanks to this.

-i feel it would also address another issue with the guns, and that is rivens. the reason, at least to me, why rivens are so strong on primaries and secondaries. no, not strong, i should say they're just much more essential for top level builds, is because they can give the stats from multiple mods, and compact the amount of mods needed for these weapons. however, with the way rivens work, some guns that are unusable without extreeeeeemee modding require rivens to be any use, and even then, still have difficulty because the player has to re-roll their garbage tier rivens into something better at a small chance of it working out. TL;DR rivens are for compacting mod slot occupation, or making a good build exponentially better, and this would make it less of a problem for lower tier weapons to be better by not needing further modding than a riven can provide.

-it would hopefully cut down on the ammount of times a player goes "oh this build would be perfect as a steel path weapon if i could just fit one or two more mods onto. eg: i am building the soma prime for the new augment from the entrati, and i have nowhere to put it that wouldn't compromise the build's strength. (under the riven is point strike)unknown.pngand i know, i have argon scope on the gun, and that COULD be replaced with the new augment (+1.2% crit chance per hit until reload or holster). on a gun like this, with 200 rounds a mag, that would and is probably really good and strong, however, it's like the argument of "small turbocharger vs big one" for cars. a small one like argon scope is effective much quicker and gets you that boost you want, where the other one take time to do up and sometimes, by the time it's effect is at it's peak, the race is over. i have 200 rounds, that augment is really effective after about 100 rounds, which is half a mag. the argument there, is that since the augment is infinitely scaling, it could go further, but it takes longer to get there. having both would be super good, wouldnt it? or having a little extra heat to compliment that slash stuff? see where im getting? anyway, thats what i think, enjoy thinking.

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1 hour ago, Zackarihn said:

Should primaries and secondaries have 10 slots?


40 minutes ago, DeccanTraps said:

At the very least Kuva weapons need some extra slots.

And no...

Melee Weapons are strong because they require players to close in on Enemies in order to use them, Primaries and Secondaries are Firearms, they can do huge damage at long range if you manage to build the weapons properly and keep you within safe distance from Enemie's attacks.

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1 minute ago, BiancaRoughfin said:

Melee Weapons are strong because they require players to close in on Enemies in order to use them, Primaries and Secondaries are Firearms, they can do hugr damage at long range if you manage to build the weapons properly and keep you within safe distance from Enemie's attacks.

Melee does orders of magnitude more damage than literally any gun in the game when built properly. Stacking range and attack speed eliminates opportunity cost, and weak enemy melee capabilities eliminate risk (save for a few bosses). I like melee and don't want it nerfed. I don't know how guns should be better, but they should be.

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26 minutes ago, BiancaRoughfin said:


And no...

Melee Weapons are strong because they require players to close in on Enemies in order to use them, Primaries and Secondaries are Firearms, they can do huge damage at long range if you manage to build the weapons properly and keep you within safe distance from Enemie's attacks.

I'm all for the power/proximity trade off in melee. (Though I could do without the condescending tone).
But theres really no point in having 80 points to mod with on a maxed Kuva weapon, when before forma you'd have to average 10 drain a slot to make use of that.

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13 hours ago, Xylena_Lazarow said:

Melee does orders of magnitude more damage than literally any gun in the game when built properly.

Unless your point of comparison are the stug and tool weapons like pox n zakti to tonfas with SO r gram prime, no. Guns do have a higher skill ceiling to do their max damage, but the final numbers aint much different.
What melee does is cleave (which is why ignis, bomby bow, catchmoon, etc were and still are popular)

13 hours ago, Xylena_Lazarow said:

I don't know how guns should be better, but they should be.

Buff to logic behind current deimos guns, athodai and old tigris. BIG D(single target) energy, but either limited by first killing mooks, low max ammo pools and/or reloads.


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On 2020-08-29 at 6:40 PM, Zackarihn said:

i had the thought of "why not give primaries and secondaries two more basic mod slots like pets have, but keep melee at 8 as we know those weapons have better potential

I have a lot of maxed out weapons, outside of kuva weapons most primaries with a riven need 5-6 forma, secondaries more. If you have a weapon that needs ammo mutation or stability or range then more again.

I have a couple of weapons with 9 forma. Every mod slot polarised (or often repolarised because D isn't very useful or it needs ammo mutation or whatever in the plex).

Basically: 2 extra mod slots would be grand, but the capacity to actually put anything useful in them is a problem.

To use 2 extra slots we'd need at least 10 capacity to max out weapons. It basically removes a restriction from builds but doesn't let you take them further, which feels like removing build depth for no gain.

Honestly, I like the idea, but it needs something. Maybe this is an enhancement (like an Orokin Reactor +) that would add a mod slot and 5 capacity. It would have to be Umbra forma levels of rare though.

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