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Permanent magnetic proc prevents operator use (Isolation Vault).


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New discovered bug, Isolation Vault (tier 2), as you can see in the picture, can't go operator mode because i'm stuck with a "permanent magnetic proc", apparently bugged out from the Necramech's ability disabling mechanic (both dead already).


Had no choice other than let myself die to infested mobs, solving the problem and allowing me to atleast check the vault-loot, but then the bug remained when already in operator (can't transference in warframe later). So that forced myself to go back to Nekralisk, 'cause it would be unhealthy for my patience to keep going Tier 3.

So i have two suggestions:

1) Refrain from designing these absurd "ability disabling" mechanics, we know it didn't go well with Ropalolyst at all. The whole damage-reflect mechanic from the Necra "iron skin" makes it worse, with the forced Void dash intentional magnetic proc. It's a really bad idea.

2) Let us use a self-destruct command, like "/kill" or "/destruct" or whatever suits your fancy. Because i'm finding /unstuck completely useless to the level of these bugs, in which i'm forced to kill myself anyway or even abort the mission like happened to me on another bug (which was not addressed), so might aswell accelerate the process.

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I hate to tell you this, but this ain't new, it's been a bug since the deimos release. They tried to "fix" it but that didn't do jack.


Heart of Deimos: Hotfix 29.0.5
Potential permanent fix to Void Dash being disabled by Vault Mechs, more work will be needed on this, but we have made some progress here. 

I do agree completely with both of yer points as well.

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