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Necromech bugs (so far)


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Couldn't find one for frames and vehicles so put this in art & animation

1.I was in my necromech and I can't walk through a friendly player gara's WALL.

2. No xp off of demios (plains of eidolon I got 0 xp seems I can't gain xp at all after going to eidolon with the mech I'm rank 7 and can't level now.

3. If you die in mech then die as operator before the operator has a chance to react, you go ALL the way back to where your frame was left and when doing vault runs means you get pulled back to before you entered the cave causing the mission to fail for being out of range.

Side note: The mech is useless, it's slow and can't keep up with the archwings so feels like we are back in the k-board days where the missions are done by the time you get there.

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hey thanx I'll give that a try been sitting here trying to figure out what to do now since I couldn't play the mech after working so hard to get it 🙂

EDIT: Nope still nothing went in friends only, 5 directly into the mech from warframe and still no xp for kills 😞 


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