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My story about Scintillant


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So, I spend the past 3 days farming Scintillant about 6 hours all 3 days. Then, at about 1 pm today, I get my final needed piece of it. I am happy, I nearly cry tears of joy because I got all 12 pieces of it. Then, an hour ago, I do 1 (I repeat, ONE) vault run (Doing all three vaults), and get 8 Scintillant in that run (I have a booster, and I had that booster for the past 3 days as well). I don't know if it is the universe laughing at me, or the Devs. Feels Bad Man


Beyond this painful story, I am glad that it is more reliable to get and I hope everyone gets lucky and won't sit through the pain I did. Happy Hunting

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I did the vaults after I heard that it was apparently where scintillant spawns after running Deimos for 3 days with a booster and geting nothing. Got enough for Xaku from the vaults, which is enough for now, and was subjected to what can only be called a disgrace of game design.

As a player that solos tridolons the new mechs are just some lazy, overpowered, unavoidable knockdown BS. Way to incentivise putting Primed Surefooted on everything eh... Got my scintillant, won't be back to the vaults until some serious rebalancing has been done and removal of repetitive fetch quest / toxin grind.

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I have been running Tier 2 bounty on deimos for 2 hours now and have not gotten a single scintiliant. I have asked my clan mates and they have not gotten any scintiliant from t2 bounty and people who have been farming for it in public with me was on his 29th run with no scintiliant. Can someone confirm if it actually drops. I have gotten multiple of every other single drop!

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27 minutes ago, -CdG-Zilchy said:


Do vaults and increase your odds with a nekros and boosters if you can afford it. Seen about 10 floating around the vaults as well, looks like a Synathid from Orb Vallis but glowing blue. Good luck to you all.

I'm am well into 20 vault runs done and i've never seen them float around, ever. They're a stupidly rare spawn.

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11 hours ago, (PS4)roadog85 said:

Then, an hour ago, I do 1 (I repeat, ONE) vault run (Doing all three vaults), and get 8 Scintillant in that run

Same thing happened to me. Finally got all I need, and just few vault runs later I get 12 from a single T1->T3 run... Oh well, now I've got the extra 5 for building another Xaku to subsume.

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