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The New Update Rant


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Yes this is a rant but
First stuff is about the scintillant. I don't know what DE is even thinking, but I literally spent like 6 hours a day for searching scintillant just after I know the existence of this resource (which is after update and the quest done). And you know what, I got nothing from the isolation vaults! Yesterday or the day before it got a change, but scintillant still suck, still spent 6 hours a day for doing isolation vaults and T2 bounty (first stage), still nothing! I really love the drop chance for scintillant, it really reminds me of another games when they got bugged and one of the rewards wasn't in the drop table. Please fix it, this is getting frustrating as f-word. I beg you guys.

Second, so you guys decided to extend the time of defending the bait thing and the toxic tunnels? What for? It doesn't make it hard nor challenging, but it actually makes it tedious and frustrating and boring as heck. What you do here is still killing that enemies, getting the antidote and blablabla. So you decided to extend it and kill more enemies with mesa while spend 1 more minutes of your life just because you want to open some vault. Again, does it make it more challenging? No, because people could still kill the enemies easy.

Third, what are you guys thinking when making animal captures? Like seriously, if you guys simply made "Velociphod tags" or "Avichaea tags" then it is fine. But you guys made VARIANT for EACH OF THOSE ANIMALS. This gets frustrating when a tag of some type of animal of some type of variant is needed when you have to progress (seriously? common avichaea tags? Purple velociphod tags for level 3?). Sure you guys added today's special, but still, a grind is a grind, it should not be that outrageous and RNG based. Also forcing players to use real money for something that takes a lot of time to grind is really scummy. On top of that, animal captures generally takes up a lot of time without even a considerable reward that pushes you to do it. And they made it a must this time.

The last is BUGS. Well I have been putting up on this nonsense a long time ago but can you guys just bug-check before an update instead of rushing them?

this is called a rant for reasons

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20 minutes ago, xXx_mtv_xXx said:

Token system sucks and should be replaced with the general rep like PoE and Fortuna. If you just wanna fish or mine all day then you should be allowed to max your standing that way. 

I don’t mind the token system because it lets you grind “Standing” after hitting the cap. It’s just the cost of acquisition for son, daughter, and Otak tokens is dumb.

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vor 5 Minuten schrieb (XB1)GearsMatrix301:

I don’t mind the token system because it lets you grind “Standing” after hitting the cap. It’s just the cost of acquisition for son, daughter, and Otak tokens is dumb.

As the last time checked the minerals and fishes are still in your inventory for the next day 😉

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2 minutes ago, kyori said:

DE: you players want token system, right? HERE YOU ARE! lmao

the token system is fantastic compared to the past standing, i dont understand why its looked at poorly, it is so much easier to farm standing than it ever was before

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1 hour ago, ghoti0315 said:

Yes this is a rant but
First stuff is about the scintillant. I don't know what DE is even thinking, but I literally spent like 6 hours a day for searching scintillant just after I know the existence of this resource (which is after update and the quest done). And you know what, I got nothing from the isolation vaults! Yesterday or the day before it got a change, but scintillant still suck, still spent 6 hours a day for doing isolation vaults and T2 bounty (first stage), still nothing! I really love the drop chance for scintillant, it really reminds me of another games when they got bugged and one of the rewards wasn't in the drop table. Please fix it, this is getting frustrating as f-word. I beg you guys.

Second, so you guys decided to extend the time of defending the bait thing and the toxic tunnels? What for? It doesn't make it hard nor challenging, but it actually makes it tedious and frustrating and boring as heck. What you do here is still killing that enemies, getting the antidote and blablabla. So you decided to extend it and kill more enemies with mesa while spend 1 more minutes of your life just because you want to open some vault. Again, does it make it more challenging? No, because people could still kill the enemies easy.

Third, what are you guys thinking when making animal captures? Like seriously, if you guys simply made "Velociphod tags" or "Avichaea tags" then it is fine. But you guys made VARIANT for EACH OF THOSE ANIMALS. This gets frustrating when a tag of some type of animal of some type of variant is needed when you have to progress (seriously? common avichaea tags? Purple velociphod tags for level 3?). Sure you guys added today's special, but still, a grind is a grind, it should not be that outrageous and RNG based. Also forcing players to use real money for something that takes a lot of time to grind is really scummy. On top of that, animal captures generally takes up a lot of time without even a considerable reward that pushes you to do it. And they made it a must this time.

The last is BUGS. Well I have been putting up on this nonsense a long time ago but can you guys just bug-check before an update instead of rushing them?

this is called a rant for reasons

Probably it's not clear  enough that the problem is not the ranking system or the stupid minigames. This update is just cheap and unfunny to play, with a cheap boss battle, a stupidly twisted ranking system and without any new real mechanics or new kind of missions. Now probably this was not a problem if DE didn't release even more terrible updates like the stupid Kuva liches or railjack...

You have just  another cheap empty open world, waiting for the next Hyping updates probably dealing the same unfunny recycled content.

Overall I don't consider "Content"  grinding like an idiot just to beta test broken abilities, in a already broken game. This game seems even more a sort of Wow of warcraft with a third person than a Shooter or a game only made for meme videos fo streamers.

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vor 10 Minuten schrieb ValinorAtani:

As the last time checked the minerals and fishes are still in your inventory for the next day 😉

That and even then why not simply change it to like the other syndicats with medallions instead of again chaning a system once again on another "Open World" basically instead of fixing all the same to make this streamliend from a gameplay standpoint if they already copypaste fishing, mining and all.

It is unnecessary complicated and changed for the sake of being different and comlplicated, but not in a good way like a new game mode. It is lazy, instead of ADDING it to other places if they give Tokens, why not but not so specific.

vor 13 Minuten schrieb kyori:

DE: you players want token system, right? HERE YOU ARE! lmao

People wanted it for Sorites and such, not this, as i stated above, why then not copy it on other places at least also, It is overcomplicated and mixed way to much, DE once again "fixing" things the wrong way.

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7分钟前 , Ocerkin 说:

the token system is fantastic compared to the past standing, i dont understand why its looked at poorly, it is so much easier to farm standing than it ever was before

The problem isn't the token system itself, it is how do you exchange tokens. In POE or fortuna you fish or mine and provide them for standing, which is completely fine. Even bad animal captures in fortuna gives you a little standing, but the thing that pisses off everyone is you need specific resources or animal captures (variant makes me sick) just for leveling up, or standing.

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6分钟前 , bibmobello 说:

Probably it's not clear  enough that the problem is not the ranking system or the stupid minigames. This update is just cheap and unfunny to play, with a cheap boss battle, a stupidly twisted ranking system and without any new real mechanics or new kind of missions. Now probably this was not a problem if DE didn't release even more terrible updates like the stupid Kuva liches or railjack...

You have just  another cheap empty open world, waiting for the next Hyping updates probably dealing the same unfunny recycled content.

I like railjack because it actually has new gamemodes, even though it is poorly executed but still

Some may argue that you have to break that red crystal for Erra quest but if you are in a squad or asked someone to help that isn't a big issue. Also Railjack is an optional content, it doesn't affect surface combat much, neither does Kuva Liches.

But this added helminth and weapons and necramechs (dk how it works though), which affects surface combat much, yet you have to grind for a stupidly large amount of time

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3 minutes ago, ghoti0315 said:

I like railjack because it actually has new gamemodes, even though it is poorly executed but still

Some may argue that you have to break that red crystal for Erra quest but if you are in a squad or asked someone to help that isn't a big issue. Also Railjack is an optional content, it doesn't affect surface combat much, neither does Kuva Liches.

But this added helminth and weapons and necramechs (dk how it works though), which affects surface combat much, yet you have to grind for a stupidly large amount of time

In fact i liked the idea of RJ too but as you already wrote it's poor execured, it's just another cheap pretext to grind staff.  just farming  the same OP mods and you don't need practically any turret or aiming abilities. They even nerfed the onboard enemies and now they die with just a spit...

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vor 1 Minute schrieb bibmobello:

In fact i liked the idea of RJ too but as you already wrote it's poor execured, it's just another cheap pretext to grind staff.  just farming  the same OP mods and you don't need practically any turret or aiming abilities. They even nerfed the onboard enemies and now they die with just a spit...

I agree on that execept the enemies on board, that was needed, they were just bulletsponges and best you did was ignore them on there own ships, they were literall walking Saturn Six Wolfs, not fitting the level they shown on top, just like Cetus and Fortuna also, that is another thing they seem to screw up, the levels not reflect the enemies anymore. Bulletsponges are not fun, just take longer and they easier oneshot you if you have a squishy frame, limiting your choice to much.

Overall poor execttion like always, big trailers but not reflecting the final product in any way anymore sadly.

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1 hour ago, xXx_mtv_xXx said:

Token system sucks and should be replaced with the general rep like PoE and Fortuna. If you just wanna fish or mine all day then you should be allowed to max your standing that way. 

And yet I have more then enough tokens to progress through all remaining ranks. Your only limit is the amount you can redeem in a 24hr period.

It's a far better system to PoE and Fortuna because after you hit your cap all the standing your earning is wasted. Your time isnt wasted. The only way to do that in the other two is through the fishing. Which is much more of a chore. 

It's a much better system.

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25 minutes ago, Marine027 said:

I agree on that execept the enemies on board, that was needed, they were just bulletsponges and best you did was ignore them on there own ships, they were literall walking Saturn Six Wolfs, not fitting the level they shown on top, just like Cetus and Fortuna also, that is another thing they seem to screw up, the levels not reflect the enemies anymore. Bulletsponges are not fun, just take longer and they easier oneshot you if you have a squishy frame, limiting your choice to much.

Overall poor execttion like always, big trailers but not reflecting the final product in any way anymore sadly.

Bullet sponge what? They died with one or 2 hits with the same build probably everyone now use for SP, the only things to nerf were the stupid spaceships having insane health and stupid speed....

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1 hour ago, (XB1)GearsMatrix301 said:

I don’t mind the token system because it lets you grind “Standing” after hitting the cap. It’s just the cost of acquisition for son, daughter, and Otak tokens is dumb.

You literally cannot say this anymore. What? If you fish at all, daughter tokens are easy to get. Son tokens were DRASTICALLY reduced and if you spend just an HOUR doing captures, you can drown in tokens. You can even turn in pets for son tokens. Otak? You get TONS of resources even just from doing vaults, let alone if you spend a little bit of time mining. If you want to argue that conservation is something you don't want to do? Fine, you can buy avichea tags with plat. They're there. But is son hard? Not in the slightest


God forbid you spend any time doing it. And baro even brought resource boosters to make it easy.


Tags still left after buying tons of son tokens



After spending son tokens on pets, grandma tokens.

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vor 1 Minute schrieb bibmobello:

Bullet sponge what? They died with one or 2 hits, the only thing to nerf were the stupid spaceships having insane health and stupid speed....

Not for average people like me not using every meta in existence, if something has the same levle as other enemys you would assume it is simliar not this tanky suddenly. If oyu 2 shotted them, good for you, me and friends did not, depstie modding even against them but using favorite weapons and frames, and that was the main issue, it forced one type of things like Eidolons, removing variety again. Call me casual or even newbie, i like casual, whyi  play games, things ican shut of and realx with, not having to worry, sure can take longer but not to this amount, it was bad simply.

And if you really two shotted them then the nerf should not been an issue right? Since you still kill them way to fast for your own liking is it? So i not see why YOU complain now. It not became easier for you if you already two shotted them.

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vor 4 Minuten schrieb Tonin4ABonin:

You literally cannot say this anymore. What? If you fish at all, daughter tokens are easy to get. Son tokens were DRASTICALLY reduced and if you spend just an HOUR doing captures, you can drown in tokens. You can even turn in pets for son tokens. Otak? You get TONS of resources even just from doing vaults, let alone if you spend a little bit of time mining. If you want to argue that conservation is something you don't want to do? Fine, you can buy avichea tags with plat. They're there. But is son hard? Not in the slightest


God forbid you spend any time doing it. And baro even brought resource boosters to make it easy.


Tags still left after buying tons of son tokens



After spending son tokens on pets, grandma tokens.

The point is i tihnk it is not hard but boring, standing on day around fishing with the same animation each time is not waht i play Warframe for surely while other things can be rare,  even wtih high drop chance, RNG is sitll RNG, you can have 1% or can have 99%, you still can be lucky or unlucky gettign it in the first try or not after 10 trys.

RNG or not, Token or not, both can be garbage if not made right and implented correctly. This here is grind for the sake of grind, not for gamepaly or fun, what most games became.

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17 minutes ago, Marine027 said:

Not for average people like me not using every meta in existence, if something has the same levle as other enemys you would assume it is simliar not this tanky suddenly. If oyu 2 shotted them, good for you, me and friends did not, depstie modding even against them but using favorite weapons and frames, and that was the main issue, it forced one type of things like Eidolons, removing variety again. Call me casual or even newbie, i like casual, whyi  play games, things ican shut of and realx with, not having to worry, sure can take longer but not to this amount, it was bad simply.

And if you really two shotted them then the nerf should not been an issue right? Since you still kill them way to fast for your own liking is it? So i not see why YOU complain now. It not became easier for you if you already two shotted them.

i don't understand what meta builds are you talking about. Every game has a progression system and you get better weapons increasing your level. If everyone could kill every enemy in game with a MR0 weapon than there is no point to increase your MR. 

It's a big problem for me  because it's not satisfying killing glass enemies with a spit and this game doesn't award players with better weapons, mods or skills at all and the MR system is just a joke to waste time.If i liked  casual games killing stupid enemies pressing a random button, i played a mobile game.

You were talking about eidolons.. If i was a developer and i could see people doing  6X3 even on SP, surely i changed something.

Even in many other different kind of games  like WoW or PoE  you couldn't  think to defeat a level 100 boss when you are at level 0 but apparently in this game everyone must be able to kill everything even if he is not should able to, because you know: more happy people more probabilities someone dropping money.

Fortunately i realized the target of this game with this update, now i play 30 minutes -1 hour max  sometimes only.

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I've had zero issues with anything except for the initial scintilant drop aswell as not being 100% sure on where and when velociphods spawned. And the answer to velociphods is "everywhere" and "all the time" pretty much.

And I havent put much time into it per day either due to family matters. Since HoD released I've had 2 days where I've spent "serious" time on it, yet I've gotten pretty much everything I need to advance aswell as the materials needed for the different builds, with Helminth at 1 rank from max and both Xaku and the necramech cooking, along with a panzer fox ready to level (if the little bastard wasnt bugged).

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vor 3 Minuten schrieb bibmobello:

i don't understand what meta builds are you talking about. Every game has a progression system and you get better weapons increasing your level. If everyone could kill every enemy in game with a MR0 weapon than there is no point to increase your MR. 

It's a big problem for me  because it's not satisfying killing glass enemies with a spit and this game doesn't award players with better weapons, mods or skills at all and the MR system is just a joke to waste time.

I am talkign about weapons that are same tier but not work as well for some reaosn, i not talk about MR0 weapons here, the MR is pointless from the start, can be nice for extra standing and extra mod points i welcome to level better, but overall it isa fake stat.

There is no point in MR, consider goddamn this, you can skip it at any time buying it. This is how much MR is worth it. If theytruely would be so much better you should put MR locks on them buyed directly aswell, or Kuva weapons are also odd in this, or Rivens.

MR means nothing, it is a lame excsue to show "progress" that not exists, you know what true progress is? Adding new places with new mechancis to deal with after you done with the old, not jsut copy paste Steel Path with higher bulletpsonges or Copy Paste Open worlds with bountys that are all the same as most nodes.

There is no increase, you can buy the latest weapon and be done with it and never touch anything else. And if you use this argument anyway, most can do most with a MK1 Braton also, formaed 8 times, but it still underperfrosm and takrs time, that is my main point, regardelss if low or high level tier, some weapons are sadly garbage some are ok and soem are OP,, yet some are fun for me how they work and the design, and this should not limit me how to play.

People can kill all already at MR0 if they just buy some weapon and mods, even Endo they can buy. It not stops them right?

Point is me and friends not had toruble but it taked to long and robbed us from the fun with it, on top of a lot of bugs it still has. Again, most weapons are same tier yet for some reason perform like some Stug pistol at times compared to others.

I not care if you got no problems or others, we had problems and we not modded dumb or used crap weapons, yet it was boring and tedious for us, such peopel exist, accept this or stay quiet maybe, you not help in this, people have opinions and different playstyles that worked for us, and a game mode that basically uses the same enemies jsut with different colours again and different weapons, you would assume they work simliar.

They are not just Nox units or Eximus or whatever, they are goddamn ground troops you normllay maw down in any other missions, my point again is that there level not reflected the elvle it shown, and it needed a fix, if you want somoen to blame, blame DE, they could had raised the starting levle to 120 and keep them this way, then it would had reflected it, but then tehy could not had sold it to everoyne right?

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10 minutes ago, Marine027 said:

The point is i tihnk it is not hard but boring, standing on day around fishing with the same animation each time is not waht i play Warframe for surely while other things can be rare,  even wtih high drop chance, RNG is sitll RNG, you can have 1% or can have 99%, you still can be lucky or unlucky gettign it in the first try or not after 10 trys.

RNG or not, Token or not, both can be garbage if not made right and implented correctly. This here is grind for the sake of grind, not for gamepaly or fun, what most games became.

I mean I think it's boring when I want to do the endless bounty, yet every missions has 2-3 leechers just running around killing stuff that's caught in vaubans traps, khoras cage, and completely ignoring the mission. Nobody's doing what actually needs to be done, afking at thier extractors. Other people get to play their looter shooter, and I'm forced to do the work. Or i have to go to Recruiting to find players with more than 2 brain cells, but guess what, it's something I still have to deal with because people in this game are selfish. I like playing and talking with random people, provided they... actually play.


Same S#&$ different toilet. RNG whether i get players who aren't going to afk/leech/have more than 2 braincells. Some days are great, some days are absolutely horrid. You learn to deal with it and suck it up

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3 minutes ago, Marine027 said:

I am talkign about weapons that are same tier but not work as well for some reaosn, i not talk about MR0 weapons here, the MR is pointless from the start, can be nice for extra standing and extra mod points i welcome to level better, but overall it isa fake stat.

There is no point in MR, consider goddamn this, you can skip it at any time buying it. This is how much MR is worth it. If theytruely would be so much better you should put MR locks on them buyed directly aswell, or Kuva weapons are also odd in this, or Rivens.

MR means nothing, it is a lame excsue to show "progress" that not exists, you know what true progress is? Adding new places with new mechancis to deal with after you done with the old, not jsut copy paste Steel Path with higher bulletpsonges or Copy Paste Open worlds with bountys that are all the same as most nodes.

There is no increase, you can buy the latest weapon and be done with it and never touch anything else. And if you use this argument anyway, most can do most with a MK1 Braton also, formaed 8 times, but it still underperfrosm and takrs time, that is my main point, regardelss if low or high level tier, some weapons are sadly garbage some are ok and soem are OP,, yet some are fun for me how they work and the design, and this should not limit me how to play.

People can kill all already at MR0 if they just buy some weapon and mods, even Endo they can buy. It not stops them right?

Point is me and friends not had toruble but it taked to long and robbed us from the fun with it, on top of a lot of bugs it still has. Again, most weapons are same tier yet for some reason perform like some Stug pistol at times compared to others.

I not care if you got no problems or others, we had problems and we not modded dumb or used crap weapons, yet it was boring and tedious for us, such peopel exist, accept this or stay quiet maybe, you not help in this, people have opinions and different playstyles that worked for us, and a game mode that basically uses the same enemies jsut with different colours again and different weapons, you would assume they work simliar.

They are not just Nox units or Eximus or whatever, they are goddamn ground troops you normllay maw down in any other missions, my point again is that there level not reflected the elvle it shown, and it needed a fix, if you want somoen to blame, blame DE, they could had raised the starting levle to 120 and keep them this way, then it would had reflected it, but then tehy could not had sold it to everoyne right?

You just needed almost  every weapon dealing slash damage, like venka, kronen, glaive prime and many others and using the faction mods helps a lot despite everything i told people to use these mods everyone replied: "But i can't change configurations every time..." WTF...

And no you don't need a riven at all.

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