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The best advice I can give on avoiding nekramech health and xp bugs



To get a nekromech:


Once you have it listen VERY CAREFULLY:

Good luck leveling. Took me 20 hours to put my first forma on because of all the XP bugs (with a booster and MR 29 capacity).

I am working slowly on forma number one.

It's a hell of a grind but until these bugs are fixed this is the best advice I can give after wasting TONS of time. It's so buggy you might want to just wait till it's fixed.

Protip: Get a full build on your mauson by using it as an arch gun and running salacia a bit. The other gun is fine, but it's not as good overall, basically the second one is ignis, so like, if you don't know how to aim it's OK. 

Do not use your arch guns, they are poop.  I have min/max rivens on mine and it makes no difference, just use the mouson and don't bother equipping shell rush, it appears to do nothing in the nekramech, it's fine for leveling on salacia, but in the mech it's a waste of a mod slot and capacity.

The mechs get crazy powerful, but for the first 10 levels it's basically poop, especially if you don't have all the mods available. Level 10 is when you get your exalt.

I would strongly recommend just buying health and shields mods with plat from players if you don't have them because it's basically useless the first 10 levels.

Unequip your pet, it is only there to eat your xp and die, it does nothing when in nekromech, no radar, no vacuum, just total net loss.

To avoid the xp bugs and health bug (not 100% but mostly):

have your mouson ready with a full build, load into nekralisk, run a t3 bounty solo (group increases chances of bugs in my experiences by a lot, especially host migration, that's just an inFinite load screen from your nekromech every time).

Head outside entirely (to the river)

Wait for all dialog to end (even the one after the waypoint)

Then summon your mech (to avoid health bug), get in right away, never resummon your mech.

Then go run as much of the bounty as you can, be aware Fass is the best time because the blue zones will heal the mech for you by standing in them.  Be aware you don't have to trigger everything to get more appropriate level enemies to spawn, a good example of this is not leaving your mech to start the purifier, you can just hang there and kill stuff.

Never leave your mech unless it's destroyed, if so, stay in operator, don't go to your warframe, void dash straight back to the extract, do not arch, do not frame. Screw the bounty entirely, the mech xp is more important.

IF it's not dead and you made it back, leave it on the grass near the stairs, say a prayer to your preferred deity, exit to operator (not warframe) and then dash inside as operator and extract. (hopefully you got xp)

Leave the entire planet to your orbiter and reset the entire planet instance.

Head back and repeat.

IF you can't do all that, just don't do anything until the bugs are fixed.  I lost at least 10 sanity points and gained +200% salt on the update that I liked before this trying to figure this out.

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