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[EDIT: RNGesus has shown mercy] Can't we increase the drop chance for VOIDRIG capsules and engines? Pretty please?


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EDIT: RNGesus has shown mercy and sent me a Nekros that got me 2 capsules/pods and 2 engines in one run.




I mean really, 3% according to the wiki. While the other parts got 11%.


I have enough weapon pods for a entire batallion of mechs but not a single engine and capsule. Come on!

This is painful. How many times do I need to run these Iso Vaults till I get these 2 drops? Like, I wouldn't complain if at least the vaults wouldn't take so damn long (looking at you Loid), but this is ridiculous.


This is Void Hole Farm 2.0, only that VH didn't take 20 decades per mission.

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