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(Enemy) necramech health bar very unclear


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So, answer this, in the middle of a 4 person v necramech fight:

Does gray bar mean...

1. The Mech is invulnerable, and ignoring damage

2. The Mech is reflecting damage, and should not be shot

3. The Mech is actually vulnerable, and must be shot


My suggestion, if you can't make a proper indicator, is to graybar 1 and 2. In stage 3, take the absorb stored in "Iron skin" and turn it into shields, and make them immune to damage that goes through shields if necessary.

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Right side of grey bar has another, shiny grey bar that indicate Iron Skin-like temporary health points. You are supposed to hit it, but at certain hitpoint, otherwise it reflects. That should be covered in tutorial fight at last phase of the quest but it doesnt.
I agree, it could have better indicator. 

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