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Predasite Size



So I have been making a bunch of predasite and so far I have seen that all my females have been large while all the males are smaller. Just wondering if anyone else has similar experience so I can mention that on the wiki. But so far I have 4 males all small and 2 females all large. What is everyone else's findings?


Also, what is that pink colour they can sometimes get as their accent colour? Will this be available in the future? Because as of now, if you select off of it it seems you cannot re-select it.


Any and all findings you guys have about these new infested doggos would be much appreciated!



Ok so I just got my first small female after 2 more small bois.

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5 answers to this question

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I havent even made the anti-body/toxin stuff to rank up entrati yet lol. 

Im waiting to hear what the Precepts on the new animals are!!!  Anyone got a list??  

I just need 1 caustic tick, 1 green bird, 1-2 viv-something birds and my floofs are done!!


I want a damn ball shaped pet =/  I wanted a grineer roller....  Im gonna Sacrifice an octavia so I can give people her roller... I would settle for a Carni pet though!!  

Stop making cats and dogs =/

What if necromechs were Necrotransformers!!!   You could switch between mech form and beast form!!  lmao.  

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1 minute ago, (PS4)AbBaNdOn_ said:

I havent even made the anti-body/toxin stuff to rank up entrati yet lol. 

Im waiting to hear what the Precepts on the new animals are!!!  Anyone got a list??  

I just need 1 caustic tick, 1 green bird, 1-2 viv-something birds and my floofs are done!!


I want a damn ball shaped pet =/  I wanted a grineer roller....  Im gonna Sacrifice an octavia so I can give people her roller... I would settle for a Carni pet though!!  

Stop making cats and dogs =/

What if necromechs were Necrotransformers!!!   You could switch between mech form and beast form!!  lmao.  

Predasite Wiki

That link should have what you are looking for, and yeah I need 1 more green velocipod and 2 more birds and I have all the floofs as well!


I know you can get grineer rollers as a spectre from Steel Meridian so that might be something to look for, but I would definitely love to see them as a companion. I was really hoping we would get serpent-like companion by now.

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Hmmm  Pharoah sounds dope for Saryn.  Medjay sounds like he could be a BEAST in battle!!!    The Vulpa are great that they revive but the offense precepts sound lame.  Although Crescent sounds super nice.

Can Pred/Vulpa precepts be put on their dog/cat counter parts ??  EDIT*  oh from that picture nope...  

I've been using my Helminth alot since pets 2.0.  He uses a charging/rush attack precept already.  Not good utility wise but it is funny to see happen lol.   I would kill to put crescent vulpa rush mod on my helminth lol.  Then again I havent really seen him ram anything and it survive lol....  

Sly Vulpa looks like they biggest most worthless turd of Deimos.

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