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(XBOX)Tucker D Dawg

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Don't take the following too harshly because I'm not going to talk about the good. Y'all shouldn't need to be coddled, and if you do I see plenty of others heaping their praise. Suffice it to say I agree with some of them - so the following is just a few of the bad things: 

 Some decent ideas, tons of wasted opportunity. And just a complete copy and paste of other open world mechanics with all their flaws from their day 1, and some new ones introduced. Nothing learned from prior feedback.


  • Isolation vaults - no variety between T1,T2,T3. Its an easy slow slog you have to do 3 times.How about a little creativity? Maybe get vault 1 open, and behind that another tunnel taking you further down - with a slightly different objective than starting all over collecting Fass/Vome residue etc.. You each vault 2, another door behind that you can take even further into the depths. And why when we have hundreds of Fass/Vome, can't we just donate what we already have instead of picking up another 12 of them?
  • Isolation Vaults - get rid of the dialog on T2,T3 - its cringeworthy the first time, and painful every subsequent time. and you just sit there waiting for them to stop babbling before you can even start doing the objectives.  For a mission you have to do countless times because atrocious drop rates only available from T3, its horrid. - See above suggestion, but failing any additional creativity, just get rid of the dialog on T2/T3.
  • Isolation vaults - provide some indicator if you are actually re-doing T1 even though you spoke to T2 mother and had already completed T1 so you don't find out only once you get down the vault and there is only one nechro to fight.
  • Bounties - how is leeching still a thing? Go into any public bounty and people just join to fish, mine, and tranq while leeching the work of others. Suggestions:
    • If a bounty is active, disable fishing spear (just kills fish - like it bugs out half the time and does anyway), disable tranq gun so it wont put animals to sleep, disable mining tool 
    • If a player is too far away from objective, A) teleport them back, or B) kick them or C) they get no rewards - including any resources they fished mined or tranq'd for that stage.
  • Colors - Please, increase the color palette for a few things - nothing but orange and black gets pretty old - and trying to spot orange highlighted things through tranq gun, or orange zits to pop before killing a tumor, or orange fish floating in the air,....
  • Mining - for the love of god fix it so the spots are above the textures. Ok this is just a bug so I know it belongs in bug reports - but its ridiculous.
  • Conservation - rather than just beeping the tranq gun should have an arrow up/down/left/right if the subject it is beeping about is not in the view finder.
  • Bounties - I've waited up to 10 minutes to get enough of whatever that corpus dude needs when RNG just decides to stop having the enemies drop it. Every enemy killed should drop it.
  • Bounties - defend the area - Don't have a "Jugulus"? be an enemy type required to start the actual defense portion. sometimes they just decide to stay in their flower mode and never come out so the bounty doesn't start. And they aren't marked as an enemy type that needs to be cleared in that state. nor show up on the synth scanner.  I may have the wrong enemy type but its the one that emerges from a flower/rock/thing and doesn't move.
  • Scintillant - Still sucks after the "buff". And even what it was stated to mirror "was supposed to be like cetus wisps" - well thats a problem right out of the gate.
  • "Endless" excavation - 37 minutes to get to stage 3 complete. 37 minutes. During which time you just get amber stars.  The drop table needs serious work - starting with get the stars out of uncommon/rare categories - better yet get them out entirely.  And 37 minutes to get to stage 3? What ever happened to the "bite sized pieces" from that stream years ago?  Where you wanted players to be able to jump in for a little time here and there rather than have to stay in endless missions for an hour? (Which is the same BS with steel essence from eximus that don't show in any appreciable amount until 40+ minutes - but I digress)  The Endless mission reward table needs a rework.

EDIT to add:

Difficulty: SOMETHING needs to be challenging. Something needs to be gated to higher MR players. Of course all your players are MR8 - you don't put anything behind higher mr - you don't reward or incentivize players to get there. You dumbed down the Helminth for this reason.  The open worlds are open too soon to new players. Or the vaults are. as a result there is not even somethign remotely close to Eidolon challenge - and that is even too easy. You even offer less incentive to rank up with the modification to he daily standing cap - a huge boon to new players and a paltry 250 buff to high MR. Give people a significant reason to rank up and they will. or just keep dumbing your content down and listen to the never ending stream of no challenging content.


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