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Heart of Deimos fishing spear broken


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So to start I personally did not have this issue on my own account. This is happening on my brothers account. (We are playing on the switch)

He starts up the quest where he talks to the daughter and she sends you out into the open area. The cinematic will play through of the worm blasting the other followed by the character having to collect falling bits. After collecting them all you have to go to the river and fish. At this point the market on the map turns to a circle. We then go to equip the spear as the quest is telling him to do. The spear selected then does not come up. It just leaves the screen as if you just closed the equipment wheel and not used anything. 

We have tried exiting the mission and reloading in. Closing the game out and loading back in. Clearing the quest from the codex and loading it back up. Nothing changes though. We get to the same point and it does the same thing every time. 

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