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Vulpaphyla leveling bugs


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I didnt experience it with the dog but i have only leveled and guilded one, but the Vulpaphyla have a bug with leveling them that i assume is tied to their larva form. I've leveled 4 at this point and its a pain. So entering the Isolation vaults will reset their level but only while in the mission after you enter the vault itself from my experience. After leaving the isolation vault the level it had before i went in would be restored. Though while trying to level them in Elite Sanctuary Onslaught i have had multiple times where they didnt keep the levels gained. I've had them go from 0-30 and then when i left the mission be at 4 and then i go in again and leave with it at rank 30 only to leave and have it be at level 3. Decided to restart the game its still at level 3 so do ESO again and it stays at 3. My guess is the larva form is the cause. 

Edit: Sorry for not posting in the bugs category. Will remember to do that next time.
Edit# 2: Can confirm its probably the larva form. Went again but with link health and pack leader with inaros and made sure it never went down and it leveled to 28. The exp bar in the end was pretty buggy looking though. Not moving to the next number when the bar was clearly full

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