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Helminth subsume should be free


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I think subsuming a warframe should be free. Assuming you gathered all the pieces yourself and crafted the frame why do we need to pay to recycle it through helminth?

1. Gather the frames pieces. (x amount of time needed varying from frame to frame)

2. Build the pieces. (12 hours each, rep costs, and time  gathering those resources (looking at you nitain, toroids, scintillant ect))

3. Build the frame. (3 days and an extra resource)

4.Pay to recycle the frame in helmnith and wait a day

5. Pay again each time to apply the ability on frames.


Imagine I like making myself bacon egg and cheese sandwiches regularly. 

And you came over one day and I offered you one. 

But you only would take it if I gave you $3.

And you don't like bacon so you take it off. 

I ask for the bacon back but you will only give it back to me tomorrow for another $3.

Depending on the type of bacon it might be slightly nerfed. . . F


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The system needs materials so a better example would be like making alcohol.

You gather the mmm fruits let's say, you ferment them (wich takes a time) and later you have your alcohol that you can use in a lot of thing and not only drinking.

We needed to wait cuz thats how it is, you need materials to do everything so no big deal, only the experienced should do this and no real money was spent cuz in that story we are the farmers cuz this is Farmframe.

If you are going to complain about something complain about the apetite system or the time gates for warframes to create for this is, in a way, fine.

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