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Mirage - make Eclipse reliable


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Mirage’s eclipse ability is difficult to use effectively. Since the lighting properties of a particular area are usually not obvious, it’s difficult to know which benefit you’re going to get moment-to-moment, or how much benefit you’re going to get, since the actual bonus amount also depends on lighting values. This unreliability makes it fundamentally unattractive as an ability, in spite of its objectively valuable bonuses.

In the past, DE has said that they want to fix this - want to standardize lighting levels and make it more obvious what Eclipse will do. However, even if we always could tell precisely what it would do, Eclipse would still be strictly worse than every other damage buffing or damage reducing ability, simply because its benefits change so much. When I want a damage boost, I don’t want damage reduction; when I want damage reduction, I really need that DR to stick around, or I’ll probably die.

So even though Mirage can theoretically get 95% damage reduction with only +27% power strength, I’m still never going to take her to high-level content, because I might not have that bonus all the time, and without it I’ll die instantly. Compare this to Gara, who only has a little more health, shields and armor than Mirage, and whose Splinter Storm needs more (+36%) power strength to get to 95% damage reduction; she’s a tank, highly reliable at any enemy level. Because Splinter Storm is reliable, as long as it’s up, you know you’re safe.

Yes, the way Eclipse works is a cool idea, but it is a cool idea for a slow, thoughtful game, which is not what Warframe is.

Therefore: please change Eclipse to ignore light levels and just be a tap or hold ability - tap for damage boost, hold for damage reduction, with no variation in behavior. This would be quick to implement, would make Mirage much more reliably survivable on high level missions, and would make Eclipse much more desirable as a Helminth infusion.

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19 minutes ago, (PS4)digitalgabeg said:

I might not have that bonus all the time

I agree wth ability is too random.

I was doing some testing with a random in game yesterday and we found a way to keep Mirages damage boost active but its no permanent and requires an additional frame set up. This would be Ivara's Cloak arrow. If the arrow is cast on Mirage in the light, as long as the duration of the arrow stays active, Mirage will maintain the damage buff, even in the dark shadows. In daily mission, it would be a pain to recruit just for this purpose.

I believe the reason DE decided not to fix this and so many other frames is because they were trying to solve the entirety of the ability of all frames with the Helminth system. Now with Rhino's roar you can have the Eclipse damage reduction and Rhino's damage buff at the same time. Well I hope so, not sure if they will negate one another. If not it would be a sad day.

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Why fix anything? We goten Helmith now to replace junk abilitys right? No reworks ever again needed. Wsn't this the purpsoe of this whole thing, the illusuion of amazing choices but in reality wanted to make reworks easeir on themself by jsut fixing what is oversued again?

I not expect reworks anymore with this introduced, good luck with that, i given up on DE in such. Consider this, they keep addign more withotu the team growing, now making this having to fix the overused abllitys like with Roar before release even, so now they ptu even more work on thermself with it that way.

Do you realyl think they will even look at a ability anymore now without Helmith involved or even a whole kit? Consdier also how many years it tooked ot rework Vauban, Ember or ONE Ability on Zephyr. They only added to this mess.

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