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Cross Save Please?


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8 hours ago, (PS4)Kakurine2 said:

Its on the radar for de. Cross save that is.  But there's a ton of technical issues. Copy rights and legal hoops to be worked out.  Plat sales, exclusive skins, patch differences, etc.

It won't be a thing any time soon. My main account is on ps4. I have a decent alt account on pc. 


If there were actually any legal problems then there wouldn't be so many other titles doing it no problem. 

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11 hours ago, (XB1)Volker9549 said:

If there were actually any legal problems then there wouldn't be so many other titles doing it no problem. 

Tennogen designs are bought whole sale by the consoles hence legal issues. Compared to pc allowing the artists to get a share of the sales.  Im sure theres other legal hoops and contracts we don't know about.

I want it to but theres a ton of stuff to work out.

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The big challenge here is that there's disparity between every version. Art assets may even be exclusive to some platforms, and while filtering art from each version based on platform isn't too terribly hard to do (and slapping defaults / stripping parts that are equipped from a different platform's exclusives), they'd also need to make up for the disparity between builds. It may not be as bad to go from console to PC because PC is always ahead, but PC to console means they need to be vigilant about each and every transfer, which is likely why they only offered them for a limited time upon the release on each new platform. 

Sadly they don't have a leading game engine that a major portion of the industry relies on, otherwise they could do like Epic and muscle cross-platform play out of the different platforms. While it would mean more friends to play with and more ways to stay active (like a Switch on vacation), it means updates would be much slower since they would still need to pass cert on every platform, and that may further delay content because it needs to start off as clean and well-tested as possible.

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Two issues.

1: PC is on a different build to console 90% of the time. This alone isn't a completely impossible problem, as DE could pull a Minecraft, and have two PC versions - the current, cutting edge version and one that's held back to console standards to enable cross-save, or even cross-play. Between consoles might have more problems, but that's been shown to be overcome by other groups, so it's conceivable that this could be fixed up. However:


2: the other companies have to OK cross play first, and many have been historically... stingy. Sure, many of the most popular games do it, but how many overall? We need to remember we aren't a full on mainstream game, we're more like something like... Hollow Knight. A decent chunk of the gaming population has probably heard of and is aware of Warframe, but we're not penetrating the big, big leagues here like Fortnite or Fall Guys, or even Destiny.

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