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Isolation Vaults - Stuck at Tier 1 even thought progress is made in the same cycle.


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So when a new cycle starts on Deimos. I begin an Isolation Vault Bounty. This one  is Tier 1.

When this first one is completed, my second mission that i pick from Mother in the CB, is also flagged as tier one even though I'm in the same cycle.

Finishing that second one and taking the third quest also results in the last mission to be a Tier 1 instead of being a Tier 3, and again i'm still in the same cycle. 



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Are you getting them from the right locations? Tier 2 comes from Mother over by The Abcess. Tier 3 comes from Mother over in Albretch's Prospect. If you get it from the one near the T1 vault the rest will show up at T1 regardless of where  you pick them up in my experience. Sometimes seems to bug out too and only get T1s.

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YEs i do them in that exact order. But i did it again and it seems to bug when i start from Bounties from the Necrolisk.  

So starting everthing in CB ( including picking the bounty/quest)  seems to have worked for me this one time I'll do a bit more later. But so far me and my friend kept having T1 rewards until this try. I'll try to add more info later. 

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