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Frost rework idea.


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So we all know frost is in a bad spot right now he has one of the worst abilities in the game ice wave. His 4 is underwhelming. His passive is horrible and he has the worst prime in the game. His 1 is single target CC which has no place in warframe now and his 3 gets outclassed by other defensive abilities. 

So what is needed to make him good? Well a better prime and rework would help which is what i have for you lovely people today.

Passive: when shields deplete release a cold nova.

Frost current passive is unreliable and well not good this passive im suggesting isn't great but it fits frost theme as a shield tank that uses the cold

1st ability: ice wave + freeze

Freeze and ice wave both don't perform in the current state of warframe but if we combine them it would be a amazing ability so heres what it does now "Frost sends forth a ice wave that freezes all targets hit." Damage 250, duration 15 seconds, wave length 20m, wave width 3m, angle 45°,  cost 25 energy.

2nd ability: snow globe

Snow globe is a good ability but it needs a small change. Frost can now channel the ability to make the snow globe be a personal bubble that moves with frost. Stats are the same health 5000, slow 67%, time invulnerable 4 seconds, radius 5m, cost 50 energy.

3rd ability: Avalanche 

Avalanche is a good ability but not good enough to warrant a 100 energy drain it is how ever worth 75 energy in my opinion stats are mostly the same. Damage 1000, 15m radius, 8 second duration, 40% armor strip, 4.5m explosive radius, 400 explosive damage, cost 75 energy.

4th ability: Blizzard 

A new ability that when cast "frost summons a mighty blizzard slowing down all enemies and while frost or his team are inside the blizzard they gain a shield restore, shields always are recharging inside the blizzard and bonus shield regeneration." Damage a second 150, initial damage 500, duration 20 seconds, range 25m, slow 60% shield capacity 300, shield regeneration 150%, cost 100 energy.

prime stats: 200 bass energy 25 base shield increase from standard frost.


Thank you for reading and have a great day tell me what you think.


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So while I like your approach.


His passive is kinda meh? Like what's the point of the cold Nova? Does it freeze enemies or slow them? Any damage? You don't need to be a number wizard here. He also has high shields already. So maybe more thought needed on this one?


The 1 change dosent do much still. The damage is very lil. And the effects are still lack luster sounding.


Snow globe? The change to that I can get behind. But depending on what happens here is some thing I have to question. While there is a slow. And a flat energy cost.. now you have a mobile bubble. Is the range reduced to compensate? How do you remove said bubble. And why not pick up the bubble you have already casted?


Avalanche change.. I'm not against but I'm not with it either. This could be a nice change but the change isent also necessary from being number 4.


4th ability sounds good on paper. But now this conflicts with his new passive. While it's supportive and does damage and can CC this just begs the question. Now why do I need to use globe, or his first ability?


Now I'm not here to make ya feel dumb just giving some feed back and criticism. But this rework really dosent put frost in a better place. It gives him some neat new tricks but not too much.


If I were to say what he should be improved on.


His passive should give some sort of synergy to being in his bubble increased armor or shields etc.. Or tied to enemies frozen like getting % dmg toward them.


His Freeze should stay. ( I know I'll get a lot of hate from just saying that) but honestly. Let's me make it more multi functional. So it freezes enemies and pops uneeded globes for some extra damage and CC. K awesome.

Let's take that blizzard idea you had an apply it to freeze though. The target you choose to freeze causes a small blizzard dealing x amount of damage and slowing enemies eventually freezing them after 3 seconds.

The freeze is effected by duration and the slow is effected by power and the blizzard is effected by range. This will also allow him keep his 1 intact but give some more use to it. Plus if we apply that new damage passive to Frozen enemies it'll be more of use. Plus another area lockdown for him.


The ice wave could technically stay. What needs to change though. And this is the only frame I'm agreeing so far with until I get more experience. It needs scaling Slash damage applied to it with the frozen status also being there. It says it in the description it's Razer sharp ice. Let it do slash damage. Which should be fine. Everyone is using viral. Add that also to the pool if we use his passive for damage against frozen targets.


His globe? I agree with the idea one should be able to be mobile. A pick up option and a drop option should be applied if you Hold the button. But I think a reduced range should be applied and maybe only reduce his speed by a tad. He's already slow. The explosion from freeze synergy shouldn't throw them back and ragdoll it should freeze enemies. You wasted energy on casting a bubble and casting another ability don't make us work more. Himself and frames should get a bonus or damage reduction buff. While standing inside like a frost type of armor kinda like what avalanches augment gives.


Avalanche I feel like is fine cause it does armor tear already and decent amounts of damage. However. It should receive synergy with his globe and first ability. In terms double the armor tear and damage while enemies are inside the globe as well as the globe partially getting rebuilt gaining health in the process. While freeze is active it should increase the range of the blizzard and reset the duration.


As for a new edition. He needs a globe indicator. For 4 separate globes showing percentage based health.

We don't need to change the kit if we just improve it all around 😉

Frost is  not just defense only use but also map control. Why not buff it and also reward him for doing so?

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prime stats: +100 energy, + 25 shields, +.10 speed.

passive: when frost kills a frozen enemy he triggers shield regeneration.

1st ability: ice wave, frost release a ice wave all enemies hit are frozen for 10 seconds length 20m width 3m angle 45° damage 250 base damage +20% of enemy armor value as cold damage,  cost 25 energy

2nd ability: snow globe, instead of scaling with frost armor values it now scales with frost shield values. Snow globe has 8000 health and a 8m radius at rank 30

3rd ability: icy armor: frost and allies in a 15m radius get 50% damage reduction on shield damage (the 50% is fixed not affected by strength) for 45 seconds and if shields are destroyed frost or his teammates release a freezing nova freezing all enemies hit in a 5m radius around the player for 5 seconds cost 75 energy. (Augment: chilling cure while icy armor is active frost and all allies affected by icy armor gain immunity to statuses at the cost of for every status blocked 3 seconds of the remaining duration is lost).

4th ability: avalanche buff armor strip to 60% at max rank.

Thank you for reading and tell me what you think.





frost tweak idea

some small tweaks could also help frost alot so here they are


tweak 1: passive chance to freeze increased from 15% to 100%.

tweak 2: freeze changed to explode on contact and freeze all enemies in a 5m radius (this is because single target CC has no place in current warframe)

tweak 3: ice wave augment ice wave impedance built in ability energy cost reduced to 35 energy new augment ice fracture re cast to explode the area ice wave was covering for 1500 cold damage (at mods max rank). ( the reason for this change is that ice wave without impedance is one of the worst abilities in the game but with it its a good solid CC ability.)

tweak 4: snow globe radius buffed to 8m at rank 30 and 8000 health at rank 30. (The reason for this change is that snow globe is a good ability but its a lackluster late game this will help a bit)

tweak 5: avalanche range increased to 25m at rank 30. New augment blizzard avalanche leaves behind a slowing field slowing down all enemies in a 25m radius for 15 seconds (at max rank). (The reason for this is avalanches current augment is not a good augment its strait up bad the new augment gives frost a big slow CC which fits his theme more and is more practical. And for a 100 energy ability its lacks stats so a range increase would make it worth the cost.)

tweak 6: frost prime bass energy increased to 200. (Frost prime is the worst prime in the game this would improve him drastically and make him more desirable.)

Here are some small tweaks that could help frost if DE dosen't want to do a whole rework I believe these tweaks would help frost drastically. 



passive ideas:

 when frost kills a enemy they release a cold explosion

 when frost kills a frozen enemy he triggers shield regeneration

 when frost scores a headshot he deals bonus cold damage (50%)

 cold procs while playing frost are 25% more effective

 enemies in a 3m radius around frost are slowed

 frost shields are affected by his armor value

 frost sheilds regenerate 50% faster 

 Frost is immune to cold procs and takes 75% less cold damage.

 Every 8th shot deals bonus cold damage (15%) and guarantees a cold proc.

 While frost shields are active he is immune to knockdown and stagger.

 Frost shields release a cold explosion that freezes enemies in a 5m on depletion (must fully recharge between triggers).


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On 9/6/2020 at 3:50 AM, (PS4)Used_microwave said:

passive: when frost kills a frozen enemy he triggers shield regeneration

I think I need to take the passive Zane ideas from Bordarlands 3.

1)10 ice status prock freezes the enemy.

2) Headshots create 1 ice prock even if the weapon has no ice status.

3) Freezing an enemy reduces the shield delay by 100% for 2 seconds.

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I like your idea a lot, it is simple and Frost remains a caster frame with defensive abilities while not being a tank like Chroma or Rhino. Plus you are taking advantage of shields and shield recharge. 

It would be really cool if Snow Globe was like Gara's four so you can control snow globe's size. Avalanche should get its energy cost reduced to 75 and deal more damage and reduce more armor at base because there are so many abilities that reduce enemies armor with less energy. 

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6 hours ago, selig_fay said:

I think I need to take the passive Zane ideas from Bordarlands 3.

1)10 ice status prock freezes the enemy.

2) Headshots create 1 ice prock even if the weapon has no ice status.

3) Freezing an enemy reduces the shield delay by 100% for 2 seconds.

As a huge borderlands fan these are awesome to me love it.

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Now this is taken from my last post with some changes here and there. The only big change is the passive which needs to be replaced 

Passive change enemies take cold damage (110% of damage taken) while attacking frost shields when shields deplete release a cold nove slowing all enemies in a 5m radius 

FREEZE change make it shoot multiple homing projectiles (like physic bolts) that freezes enemies 8 (not affect by strength)

ICE WAVE changes ice wave impedance built in cost reduced to 35 energy removes the 60° angle cap. New augment ICY RESTORATION hitting 4 enemies restores 50% shields.

SNOW GLOBE change 8m range and 8000 health at max rank now adds shield values to the scaling [(armor value) + (shield value)] × 3 = (added snow globe health)

AVALANCHE changes range increased to 25m augment replaced with new augment BLIZZARD after avalanche frost leaves behind a blizzard slowing down all enemies who enter 80% for 15 seconds

PRIME STATS increase bass energy to 200.

Done hope you like it.

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6 minutes ago, (PS4)Used_microwave said:

AVALANCHE changes range increased to 25m augment replaced with new augment BLIZZARD after avalanche frost leaves behind a blizzard slowing down all enemies who enter 80% for 15 seconds

The current augment for Avalanche is great, it gives allied players a sort of Rhino Iron Skin based on the number of enemies hit and damage caused. Only change i wish DE made to it was make it so the range it applied the buff to allies was based on the player's Affinity range.

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18 hours ago, BiancaRoughfin said:

The current augment for Avalanche is great, it gives allied players a sort of Rhino Iron Skin based on the number of enemies hit and damage caused. Only change i wish DE made to it was make it so the range it applied the buff to allies was based on the player's Affinity range.

I disagree icy armor is ok early game but anything past level 30 and it's about as affective as wet paper.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello beautiful people who play warframe! I have some ideas for tweaks to abilities that are lacking that would push them to a useable state (note these tweaks keep the ability the same but add something small to it or buff its stats these are not ment to be the best changes but these changes will be made with the frames theme and playstyle in mind.)

Abilities tweaked

Freeze, Ice wave, avalanche, soul punch, terrify, shadows of the dead, tectonics, air burst, tornado, rip line, paralysis, hysteria, spectral scream, effigy, decoy, switch teleport, sand storm, inaros passive, frost passive, hydroid passive

Now that the abilities are listed lets get into there tweaks one by one.   (:

Freeze tweak: explodes on contact with anything freezing all hit by the explosion 2.5m radius shoots 3 icicles in a fan pattern.

Ice wave tweak: ice wave impedance built into ability remove the angle cap of 60° new augment Ice wave explosion (ice wave can be cast again to explode the current one dealing 1500 damage to those inside the ice waves area of effect.)

Avalanche tweak: range increased to 25°

Soul punch tweak: enemies hit take 15% more damage explode on death.

Terrify tweak: necros restores 10% of his shields per enemy hit.

Shadows of the dead tweak: on if Necros dies while ability is active he will be revived at the cost of one of the shadows.

Tectonics tweak: atlas can pick up the wall and use it as a riot shield blocking damage as he shoots enemies with his weapons.

Air burst tweak: damage scales off melee mods and sucks enemies together like a singularity in stead of ragdolling them away

Tornado tweak: can be charged for the tornadoes to remain stationary.

Rip line tweak: enemies hit are open to finishers, guaranteed 6 slash procs on hit.

Paralysis tweak: enemies hit are open to finishers.

Hysteria tweak: remove the energy drain nerfs put on the ability throughout the years.

Spectral scream tweak: increase damage 35%.

Effigy tweak% can be charged to have the effigy follow chroma like a sentinel.

Decoy tweak: on death the decoy releases a blinding light blinding all enemies in a 8m radius.

Switch teleport tweak: after the teleport the enemy will attract enemy agro.

Sand storm tweak: reduce energy cost 50%

Inaros passive tweak: damage scales off melee mods

Frost passive tweak: 60% chance to freeze.

Hydroid passive tweak: tenticals have increased spawn chance 100% and tenticals spawned grant exta loot 60%

Thank you for reading i know these aren't the most meta changes but they fit the frames theme and are fun hope you enjoyed reading and tell me what you think!!!



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3 hours ago, Kaggelos said:

Some of those are actually pretty good. Some however, are unsalvageable.  Rip line, Effigy etc, purely because, imo, are boring, regardless of the numbers and stats improvement.
but, yea, most are awesome ideas :-)

I know but i just dont want to change the abilities completely im sure ill think of something but its it's really difficult.

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Hello it is me that desperate Frost main with a another Frost post as we know Frost is in need of a overhaul and I have a good one for you today it affects all of his problems from his lackluster stats to his lackluster abilities so let's start!


base Frost: armor 300, energy 150, health 100, shield 175, sprint speed .95

Frost prime: armor 300, energy 200, health 100, shield 200, sprint speed 1.00

REASONS: frost his warframes original shield tank so i increased his shields to be better in todays warframe and he is a caster CC so the energy will help him immensely. 


PASSIVE: Frost shields regenerates 50% faster then other frames. (Reasons: frost is a shield tank this will help him stand out in that role.)

ICE WAVE: Ice wave will be frost new 1st ability replacing Freeze ice wave angle cap of 60° removed cost reduced to 40 energy augment Ice wave impedance built in new augment Ice wave explosion can recast Ice wave to explode the current one and deal 1500 damage to all enemies ao the slowing field. Hitting a snow globe with this destroys the globe (STATS: drain 40, damage 700, wave with 3m, wave length 20m, wave angle 45°, slow duration 15 seconds.) (REASON: freeze is a unsalvageable ability in warframes current state the only thing it has is the snow globe synergy so it was replaced with a buffed ice wave.) (CAN BE USED TO DESTROY GLOBES)

ICE SHARD (NEW ABILITY): Frost summons a ice shard that flies around him and seeks out enemies if it hits a enemy it freezes them and releases a explosion (last 30s deals 1000 cold damage range 25m explosion damage 500) (augment HEALING  SHARD: while active frost constantly regenerates shields and everytime it freezes a enemy frost gains 50 shields

SNOW GLOBE: Frosts bread and butter snow globe is a good ability but could use a touch up so Snow Globe now gives a 50% cold damage bonus to shots fired and can now be charged to follow frost as a personal globe. Snow globe no longer scales with Frost armor value instead it scales with his shield value. (STATS: drain 75, slow 80%, health 8000, time invulnerable 4s, radius 8m, damage buff 50%) (REASON: snow globe is frosts bread and butter this buff increases it's health range and usability with a increased energy cost this change is amazing and will help frost alot the reason for the shield scaling is that shield values are higher than armor values and frost is a shield tank.)

AVALANCHE: buff range and for every enemy hit frost gains 100 shields. (STATS: drain 100, damage 1500, radius 25m, duration 8s, armor reduction 40%, explosive radius 8m explosive damage 400, shield gain 100.) (REASON: avalanche was lacking somthing before now with increased range and shield gain it will be a awesome ability!)

The focus of this rework his frost status as a shield tank and this rework hits that straight on increasing frost survivability by increasing his stats and shield gaining abilities increasing his effectiveness in modern warframe and increasing his efficiency as a CC frame.

Hope you enjoyed this rework idea and as always have a gorgeous day.  :)

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