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Railjack Flux Energy Takes Multiple Tries to Fill Up at Forge


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When trying to top off Flux Energy at the Forge during a Railjack Mission, it takes several tries but still uses up crafting materials each time, and then it doesn't actually fill it back up again. This is the same bug as reported in the following post, but the thread was closed so I couldn't add a comment and had to create a new thread since this bug still exists. This bug is reproduceable; it occurs during every Railjack mission so far.

I recorded a video clip showing the bug occurring--despite crafting Flux Energy four times, it still was not topped off, despite appearing to consume materials and showing that it was crafted. When returning to the Dojo, it shows that the Flux Energy was crafted to above capacity, but it was not available to use during the mission.

Link to video clip showing the bug in action: https://1drv.ms/f/s!ADn88uKH9FWigR4

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  • 3 weeks later...

This bug is still around, and the bug is entirely with Hyperflux. With the Hyperflux avionic and the Sigma reactor, you'll go from 350 flux to 620, which is a 77~% increase, not 99%. Or, +270 flux instead of +346 flux. A 76 difference in flux. The payload menu in the dry dock and the forge will say your limit is the higher number (+346). The avionic menu in the dry dock as well as the actual flux cap is the lower number (+270). The reactor flux bonus does not matter whatsoever, the difference is always 76 between what your forge/payload menu says your max flux is, and what the actual max is.

Both the forge and the payload menu will let you resupply to the higher number, but the moment you take your railjack out of the dry dock (or exit the forge), it'll go back down to the lower number, letting you endlessly waste resources (or well, until your hold is empty) in missions with the forge, and makes you lose 76 flux each time you bring your railjack out if you resupplied it fully with the payload menu.

Really hoping this gets some attention and gets fixed, because this bug has been an annoyance for months now. Perhaps the simplest solution is to just ditch the % increase and make it a flat increase instead. Would make it more clear exactly how much it gives you too. Bring it up to an even +300 perhaps?

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