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Display Iso Vault Level During Mission Confirmation


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When you go in to Iso Vault levels 2 and 3 it does not indicate what level of the mission you are agreeing to.

Players unfamiliar with the system can restart level 1 and, to my knowledge, you don't know you are on the wrong mission level until you see how many Necramechs you are facing.

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I got distracted and accidentally started another level 1 Iso from a different Mother node the other night.

13 hours ago, AltheusVI said:

This either needs to be properly explained or all of the vaults need to be available from each mother, the level increasing as you complete vaults.

Indeed, all mother nodes should just add the level 2 vault to her bounty listings after you complete #1 if you're still in the same day/night period. Then show #3 after you finish 2 and talk to her at any node. This way you know you're good to pick the next one up and if you only see #1 you'll also know that the time of day changed while you were down in the vault if you weren't paying close attention before.

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I've been going solo, or with a friend, and always start from Mother inside the Necralisk... then we go to the SouthEast Mother and do tier 2... but after that, the NW Albrect's Mother never has Tier 3 available, with plenty of time left in the day.

We're at a loss as to why this is happening, unless we might have to start Tier 1 from outside to begin the whole thing?

I'll be testing out that theory next time I'm out and about.

Edit: PS: as to the original poster, yes, I agree, the quest UI should be much more clear on which tier you're doing. (and all the Mothers should offer the Next tier in the chain, requiring you to return to the Necralisk to restart the chain from tier 1, just to make it easier.)

Edit 2: Started the whole chain from outside, immediately after watching the worms fight. No good. Tier 3 did not appear. I'm at a loss... going to watch lots of youtube videos, to see if anyone has the missing piece of info I need.

Edit 3: Apparently, there is another Mother near the Albrecht place, not on the cliff, but under it in the red guts area, that holds the Tier 3 quest, at least for me. (I was watching videos where they went to the upper cliff one instead, and it was working for them, but not for me.)

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16 hours ago, (PS4)AyinDygra said:

Edit 3: Apparently, there is another Mother near the Albrecht place, not on the cliff, but under it in the red guts area, that holds the Tier 3 quest, at least for me. (I was watching videos where they went to the upper cliff one instead, and it was working for them, but not for me.)

Yeah, the one that's where you exit if you go to the Drift from Nav isn't the right one. The one down in the cave near it, which is also near the bait station.

I actually remembered that loc-pins were a thing and planted them next to the 3 spots last night so I don't have to worry about it anymore. However I still think that any Mother spot should let you take the bounty and clearly indicate if and when 2 and 3 are available.

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I still don't understand why we have 11 Mothers scattered throughout the Drift, with each seemingly offering the same missions but only some offering Iso Vault missions. Why the arcane procedure? Why not just give all of the Mothers all of the Iso Vault Bounties when they unlock?

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21 hours ago, (PS4)AyinDygra said:

We're at a loss as to why this is happening, unless we might have to start Tier 1 from outside to begin the whole thing?

DE programming at its garbage best.

I'm probably going to take a break from Iso Vaults and mech hunting, since the rewards are not worth the time I'm investing.

On the other hand, the Helminth ability transfer is kinda fun, if limiting.

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