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(Atlas ability's feedback) Use landslide to trigger tectonics roll


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I have found the limit of only one wall to be quite restrictive when using Atlas' tectonics.

Would prefer the limit be increased to 2: any additional walls would replace the previously placed wall.


For walls to become boulders, I would rather have Atlas use Landslide to activate its rolling into a crashing boulder.

This is from experience seeing how Frost' 1 and 3 matches up.


For the augment for Atlas' tectonics: perhaps it can be changed to making previous walls auto-roll into boulders when another has been placed. Alternatively, make it explode with AOE damage and scatter rubble, when it is destroyed or when it is deployed as a crashing boulder.

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For a long time I had room in my build to permanently keep the Tectonics augment equipped, and it was finally a usable ability.

Now, I have Rubble Heap and Path of Statues on him so there just isn't room anymore. Guess Tectonics goes back to being unusable. He's my 5th most used frame, but he really does need a revisit at least to make his 2 and 4 worth the energy cost. 

The boulder feature of Tectonics is useless so it should be reworked or replaced. Having it triggered by landslide would be a good start. A smart idea would be to make Tectonics more integrated into his kit, gaining better effects from his other abilities (the reinforcement from Petrify has never been all that helpful since Tectonics isn't great to begin with). 

  • A good start is Tectonics size scaling with range, which has been a common request for years. Personally, I'd prefer the wall be more of a "totem" that provides protection within it's radius.
    • Landslide causes it to detonate (either radially or conically - whichever works better).
    • Using Petrify on it causes it to slowly petrify enemies within it's radius over time until it's destroyed.
    • Summoning Rumblers causes your active Tectonics to become a stone turret that shoots small boulders (slow fire rate, small aoe, high damage?) only for the duration of the Rumblers.
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1 hour ago, (PS4)Ozymandias-13- said:

For a long time I had room in my build to permanently keep the Tectonics augment equipped, and it was finally a usable ability.

Now, I have Rubble Heap and Path of Statues on him so there just isn't room anymore. Guess Tectonics goes back to being unusable. He's my 5th most used frame, but he really does need a revisit at least to make his 2 and 4 worth the energy cost. 

The boulder feature of Tectonics is useless so it should be reworked or replaced. Having it triggered by landslide would be a good start. A smart idea would be to make Tectonics more integrated into his kit, gaining better effects from his other abilities (the reinforcement from Petrify has never been all that helpful since Tectonics isn't great to begin with). 

  • A good start is Tectonics size scaling with range, which has been a common request for years. Personally, I'd prefer the wall be more of a "totem" that provides protection within it's radius.
    • Landslide causes it to detonate (either radially or conically - whichever works better).
    • Using Petrify on it causes it to slowly petrify enemies within it's radius over time until it's destroyed.
    • Summoning Rumblers causes your active Tectonics to become a stone turret that shoots small boulders (slow fire rate, small aoe, high damage?) only for the duration of the Rumblers.

I always thought he needed a small revisit to hes 2/4 abilities. IMO hes Rumblers should be moved to hes second ability. And hes 4 should just make an small arena (like Gara) where he can go smash.

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