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Need help with Equinox's ability


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Hey, can anyone explain me Equinox's third ability Pacify & Provoke, in night form? I don't understand the description in game, I have 40% strength with my build and it says "Damage multiplier x1.25", and if I set my strength to 200 it says "Damage multiplier x0.2". So how does this work exactly? If i have 40% strength it means i'll take more damage with that ability active? It's kind of weird to understand, unless I'm just the only one not understanding. Thank you! 

(I tried to search an explanation on google but didn't find anything helpful really)

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il y a 2 minutes, AConfusedBird a dit :

maybe the wiki page could help you understand? 


It made me understand that the ability falls-off with distance but I still don't understand how much damages will be reduced with lower strength %, because in-game it says "Damage multiplier" it's confusing

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well it looks like with 100% power, it multiplies enemies' damage by 0.5x, AKA they inflict damage at 50% normal levels. with my build of 226% power, it multiplies the enemies' damage by 0.22x, or 22% of normal levels.

if you lower your ability strength, the damage reduction REVERSES and becomes a damage multiplier. at 40% power strength, the game multiplies enemies' damage by 1.25x, aka 125% of their normal damage. 

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yeah, it seems to be a similar situation to nova's molecular prime, where if you reduce your ability strength, the slow-effect becomes a speed-up effect. in that case, it's actually useful in some situations, but i can't think of a situation where you would intentionally want to make the enemies stronger. xD

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25 minutes ago, AConfusedBird said:

i can't think of a situation where you would intentionally want to make the enemies stronger. xD

When grouped up with Octavia. Enemies doing more dmg ramp up mallet dmg faster. But that's about it :P

There's also radiation proc and Chaos from Nyx, but enemies still can target and damage you and your team, so not really worth it.

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