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Eidolon hunt and Xata's Whisper and bugs not fixed yet


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For a long time the eidolon have been present in the game and with the steel path mode, I have felt more encouraged to go hunting for obvious reasons, kuva.

Now with the possibility of putting another ability from another warframe in a favorite / desired warframe, why wouldn't it be possible to take advantage of "Xata's Whisper" to destroy eidolon shields? Let me explain:
First there was a problem that the shields were lowered too fast using Adarza (Critical chance buff affected AMP) and shortly after the MESA buff over AMP. Until a group managed to do the 6x3, and with the weeks newer people joined the 6x3 and today there are so many videos of people doing 6x3.

To affect came updates that killed some desired combination of many players, such as the use of Lanka and other weapons with flight speed, Itzal and for the first time the bugs in arcanes (momentum/acceleration/strike/ and more) 

With the integration of Stagger animation, other new bugs were born, such as some that do not allow you to shoot, jump, run, write in chat, and you must die or correct it using Archwings or Kdrive (the latter being the trigger to make the map fall ), errors/bugs that until today have not been corrected, ignored and it is likely that people will stop playing it, because in the end, not all of us know the way to get rid of a bug

Then the rivens dispositions changes, by weapon variant, something that makes sense but until now today is not completely polished, there are (normal) weapons that exceed their variant, because their PRIME variant, have the same amount of damage, critical chance, critical damage, same range, Nerf guns for being overused, but what about Lanka? , CASTANAS? , when will they correct so many varieties where people used to have fun? and now ... if we try something like this we must bear in mind that we could fail in some actions due to the same error in the game.

With Blink limited by time and forced to have an animation that prevents you from doing another action, why not create new mods to decrease this CD time?

And then enters the irregular, unstable damage or whatever it may be called, damage that has such as:
"x40 vs + shadow on + wisp + volt shield", you only do 200 damage to the shield ?, even without being a non-critical hit, why is it so ridiculously low? and it happens many times.

Void damage has only served in AMP, and in a wf, after testing it, there are no advantages or interesting plays, it is simply not well implemented and it is likely to be changed or corrected.

So if there is the possibility of using VOID DAMAGE on weapons like AMPs, why not destroy shields?
Isn't it logical that after nerfing Corrosive Projection to -18% and equal to the aura of the shields, the latter does not affect the shields?
Nowadays many of those who hunt, literally do it as a method of finishing schools like zenurik, vazarin, Madurai.
If at least they don't allow something, at least correct most of the bugs/errors.
Or that the Void damage has a + "bonus" VS sentient faction, idk, currently the Deimos update raised my hopes but seeing that everything is practically the same, it only remains to continue playing


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il y a 7 minutes, GPrime96 a dit :

Xaku not affecting Eidolon Shields is not really a Bug. It’s intended since they told us about that before Xaku’s Release. 

Nowhere did I say that this is a bug, but that they do not allow it is something that if it is that or that they correct most of the bugs related to AMP and hunting, but I would like more to the void damage of AMP, which is really unstable

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Every single decision DE has made has reinforced this unspoken rule.

Based on their actions, they want the shield phase of Eidolons to be slow, clunky, buggy, and frustrating. All good amps self-stagger, the only things that can buff amp damage do so because removing that would break too much of the game (Volt Shield), and Eidolon shields have been given additional DR several times.

So why would they stop now?

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Hunting eidolons is the only way to understand what I mean about the void damage bugs in AMP, I have over 1000 captures of hydrolyst eidolons and in relation to the amount of void strike + shadow or void strike + unairu wisp, what I am saying is that there are notable bugs with this type of damage, so much that the shields of eidolons (it is true that they have been reduced), but that until today they have not been considered, now with Xaku, and his integration of void dmg in a warframe makes void damage against enemies it feels really strange, like it's missing too much. Apart from many weapons that at first worked very safely for eidolon hunts, today they are not used for that same reason. Also for this I express myself, there are things that many of us have complained, sent a ticket or even created a forum and this happens, they are simply ignored suggestions in relation to bugs that some have already been a year. lol

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I dunno why anybody cares if it does or not. With the Propa Scaffold, if you use the right Focus school and use your Ways, properly prepping the bombs it drops...

You will break any eidolon's shields within seconds of them being activated. When I first saw someone use this method, my jaw dropped. Not only was I shocked that this Scaffold was actually good, let alone useful, but that it was that effective that I basically had no job in the fight anymore. The same player was able to one-shot Synovia with no effort in the time it took me to aim at it, so... that was a boring fight.

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