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Absurdly nerfed loot pool


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I am writing this as a bug report as I believe that I have stumbled into a repeating reward rotation glitch.

After a month of sorties the number of rivens I have seen as rewards has totaled all of two.

In  the last 14 days:0

statue at least: 6 (possibly more as I believe I gave 5 to a friend)

Now before someone goes off piping that this is just "rng" I will clarify two things.

a) This is a bug report, not a request for player input.

b) By sheer statistics alone and given that machinery i.e. code cannot generate "true" rng, only an algorithm, the probability of a single item with a "common" drop chance being excluded is climbing into the millions.

This is not the first time this has happened and a previous time reported suggests there is indeed something going on.

To further support this, when I purchase veiled rivens from other players, I am opening roughly a 90% self duplication rate. Meaning out of 40,36 will be pairs or 18 pairs.

Of these, almost all pairs are MR 1-4 level weapons, meaning absolute trash quality that is unusable, unrecoverable, un-sellable.  I did not open 40 pistol rivens because I wanted to roll them, I simply wanted an Athodai riven for personal use.  The other 10% were profitable enough to sell and purchase one eventually, but make no mistake, I lost a tremendous amount of time and resources in the effort.  I actually find the market game tedious and don't really like to mess with it.  I want to spend my time further elevating my character.

In addition, my ratio of riven sliver drops were also absurdly low taking 3 times the amount of runs than usual to finally drop me a riven for a weapon style I hardly use at mr1 base fodder. (Which was of course a duplicate of the last I unveiled of that type)

I feel abused.

One of two things is going on.

a) I have a repeating loot bug dropping stats intended for a low MR player

b) A penalty has been applied to my account without explanation or notification.

While I would very much like to believe the former, it is the general consensus that the latter is a valid possibility, and at this stage the majority of friends who have not been chased away by bugs refuse to sortie with me so they will not get "statued." I believe if there is a penalty, it should always be submitted to the player via in game notification and the reason given.  Allowing a player to spend plat with a secret active penalty is dubious at best. As previously mentioned, I don't wish to assume this is the case, but the phrase "Wow D.E. hates you" is becoming prevalent from those I play with.

They also spend a little less plat themselves when they see what is going on with my account.

Your player's time is worth something and a fair reward structure for difficulty and performance should be recognized.

In the end the entire system is flawed; punishing upper MR players, but that's a subject for another post.


September 5th update since posting

2 endo rewards (may have well have been a statue)

1 statue

As an MR-29 player, if I want a statue or endo, I'll clear maps and do arbitrations these are not really rewards for an upper level player.

Kuva is a small kick to the face, because as a player who usually runs a loot doubler and a smeata, The reward for a doubled Kuva Flood is almost equal, and in far less effort I can make twice the 6k reward in other activities in the same number of runs, so kuva isn't really a "reward" per say.  In fact, it's more of a backhanded slap punishing your patrons for their loyalty.

Now I don't mind these things in rotation, understanding that some lower MR player need them, so for an upper MR player, (barring quantity boosters which seem to hurt relic drop quality; you can forever keep those.)  Just about the only real rewards are blue potatoes, mod drop chance boost, credit boosters, affinity boosters, and of course rivens.

This is why this is such a big deal to me as most end game players will let you know that to unlock any weapon's true potential it usually requires 5 forma and a riven.

When the latter appears to be excluded from a players pool it is a hampering game play experience. 

Over the next thirty days I will continue to update my reward results periodically.


September 8th update

5th RIVEN! Holy 9 insert exclamatory here) ...no wait. It's a pistol. lowest of value plat wise, wretched roll, mediocre second, just enough to feel bad melting and not enough to be of value. Although just enough to prove SOME rivens will drop, pretty much still to pattern

6th: Affinity booster. Yup, now finally a useful drop

7th: Statue #8, and more evil to come.  Bear in mind the "save face" riven drop hasn't really changed anything for me as to be "random" at some point rivens would need to drop in succession given the posted "same rarity" to balance out.  This isn't even close to believable. also backed up by the following:

Two solo arbitrations at 35 minutes each. Amount of ground vitus essence first mission 1

second mission 0

Also I believe each round should include 2 as I am running a loot doubler. Last run I received 9 meaning I was shorted.  With the new system vitus is not ungrouped by drop method

I did do a public match in between where drops seemed normal.

Attempting to time cat procs have been punishing, as if to answer my above post.

My cat is either an idiot or is intentionally charming at impossible to complete times, or after an extended wit on kuva maps or vitus acquisition. Meaning I finally give up and decide to move on, pick up loot then charm procs like a shiny middle finger.

So with every passing day, tis looking more and more abusively intentional.

Sept 11th update: (posting after days drop so numbers will sync from here on with drop count.)

drop#8: Statue  #9

drop#9: Riven, Rifle.  *abruptly faints*

drop#10: endo. Boo, but they can't all be good.

drop#11: Riven, melee *given salts then faints again*

...This is an upturn toward suggesting either the problem is resolved or that rng comes around, but please note that there are a mountain of rivens that need to hit the floor before the rng side holds water.  As for a previously resolved bug or now released penalty, This is what I would expect ratio wise. To be continued.

drop#12: riven, kit gun (d polarity catchmoon) in other words absolutely worthless)

Drop#13: statue bleh

Drop#14: riven pistol, unveiled a hystrix, (ya know that cool pistol that lets you change status but doesn't actually apply status to any of the major bosses you need status to beat...kind of like giving someone a multi-use roadside emergency light then gluing the battery compartment shut.(package reads "batteries not included")

drop#15: statue

So, it seems that things are returning to "normal" with a %50 drop ratio unveiling %90 garbage, hence the need for a %50 ratio.

I have more that I really want to go into on all of this, notably flaws in the crippling .5 disposition on new rivens system, to determine "popularity."

Lack of reasons to up mastery, and how as a business this affects profitability, unaddressed game design issues that punish console players, and finally the rampant surge of non local language speakers killing both communication, social enjoyment, causing market tanking and server speed down spiraling.

Each issue will have its own title, be written in clear language and hopefully a little humor.


so yesterday was day 700 log in. I was excited to get my sigma finally, only to discover that my cat appears to be broken again.

Kuva rolls are beginning to mirror a nightmare I had once in which no matter what I did I couldn't stop dieing. 

I have to ask, is there is built in nerf registry that states "He reached a landmark, now lets kick him REALLY hard until he hates us?"

You should know that while going through this I have been melting forma like crazy, which will of course slow down.  With no good riven rolls, I have no reason to toy with "new to me" weapons.  I also have had a casual observer who spends quite a good deal in actual cash on plat. That will likely slow down as well as he watches the trolley nature in which my rolls occur.  People don't spend money on untrustworthy sources.  Please understand I'm not telling him  not to, or even trying to convince that things are amiss, It's visibly obvious.

It really doesn't matter what deflections are stated or listed, the games "rng" says it all when it is consistently punishing. I should not have to wait 40 min per instance in a Kuva flood for a proc. The wiki states the average time is 10 minutes. 5 instances of either 30-40 or cat prior or after close up FOLLOWING said 30-40 is pretty shady.

Please again. Fix the bug and or remove the nerf, or finally tell me what the penalty is for.

In the event this is truly just really bad coding that allows for this, I have a solution, and again plan on posting, but remind you that typing is excruciating for me, and Ijust have not been able to manage everything I want to say.

As a final note with 2 weeks of mod drop rarity boosters, 6 days of loot rarity dropped on me not one single gold Nechro mod. Just sayin'

As it stands it is already costing you money from multiple sources whether you realize it or not.


October 7th: Cat is bugged again and with a vengeance. 5 instances of not proc-ing during arbitrations until immediately after vitus is picked up with one instance of a proc and amazing vanishing vitus. 3 attempts to wait out a kuva flood with kuva advancing even AFTER reaching the correct desired distance to stop it. 4th attempt proc on spawn with no possible way to reach.

Punishment and frustration are not entertaining, and I suppose I could live with it if it weren't for the absolutely wretched riven rolls. 

Please fix your cats.

*Immediately after last post troll spawn proc on lat attempt with kuva 400 meters from life support causing fail in finding with no enemy flow. Total hour wasted. Next mission, while looking simultaneous Stalker juggernaut spawn which killed the cat and caused the game to lock so terribly a hard quit was needed.

So I suppose someones watching and this action is the "reply"

I have given the benefit of the doubt, and at this point I'll make no further posts on the matter. I'll simply log and report to whom I think will make an effective change.


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