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Not All Helminth Abilities Cost Same


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It's just a waste of resource if there is a obviously better choice of ability. You don't need experiments to know Roar would work on your warframes. For most players they just need to replace 1 ability on 1 warframe because most players have their preferred warframe. For me I just need to swap out RJ from Excalibur then I am pretty much done with the whole system.

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hace 1 hora, (PS4)robotwars7 dijo:

well, it makes sense that the most desirable abilities would be the ones that cost more. you don't think DE would let you put roar on all your frames without a significant resource cost, do you? they know just as much as we do how good Roar is, hence why they nerfed it in Subsumed form.

The cost its not based in "how good the ability is" . Larva its pretty "cheap" (use easy resources) and its one of the most "hyped" ability .

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