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If there was arcanes tied to Heart of Deimos what would they be? Keep them infested themed or just some ideas


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I am curious if DE is going to add arcanes to Loids wares because i'm maxed on standing & currently have everything from his shop (except the capture because idc about that) I was wondering if DE does add any arcanes, would Loid sell arcanes for the operator only, Necramech only, Warframe only or sells all three?

1 Arcane idea I thought would be nice would be something along the lines of replacing the Melee attack the Necramech has & it allows the mech to stomp on the ground doing 10% of the enemies health (or 500 - 1000 damage) only if the arcane is installed in the Necramech, unranked makes the mech do 5% damage & knocks down enemies while max rank makes the mech stomp do 15% damage & knocks down enemies. If the arcane isn't installed in the mech then the mech will just swing its arms as usual as its melee attack.

Maybe an arcane that allows the operator to summon 1 tendril Drone upon void blasting, unranked makes the drone have 250hp & does 200 damage while max rank makes the drone have 1.5k hp & does 1.25k damage.

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6 minutes ago, (NSW)Joewoof said:

Oh! I felt like something was missing. They should add a few new Arcanes.

Yes, I believe they should. Especially with how easy it is to get max standing with the Necraloid. I only made this post to make a possible discussion, i am aware not everyone will agree &/or like the idea.

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Some infested arcanes for the kitguns would be cool. Anything for my infested tentacle summoning. Perhaps killing an enemy with a headshot has a chance to summon a jugulus tentacle to hit the next enemy you shoot. 

Or maybe killing an enemy with a headshot has a chance of summoning a ghostly version of one of those flying tentacle monsters from diemos to seek out an attack nearby enemies. 

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1 minute ago, (XB1)C11H22O11 said:

Gas and corrosive  resistance arcane doesn't exist so do that

Wait, we don't have a Gas/Corrosive Arcane for warframes? (genuine question) that would be good to have. Maybe an arcane that leaves a spore trail every time you do any parkour maneuver, wall running leaves a spore trail but it would trickle down to the ground, rolling would leave a trail from where you started rolling to where it ended & each spore trail lasts for 20s while doing Gas/Toxin damage & can (possibly) spread to nearby enemies up to a max of 5. I'm aware that Saryn has that spread already but i'm just trying to keep it infested themed.

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Arcane Contagion - viral procs spread outwards infecting multiple enemies starting from the first victim

Arcane Rainbow - gains an elemental damage buff matching warframe energy colour 

Arcane Envy - receive half the healing teammates gain no matter the source of their healing.

Arcane Hitchhiker - ride piggyback on an allys Archwing or Necromech 😎


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I'd rather not see arcanes on Deimos, there's so many new things, adding more of something we have a bloated amount of isn't interesting. 

It's either energize, or it's replacing energize, it's competing with the 2 or 3 healing arcanes, we have exodias nobody knows about. 

Some Necramech arcanes might be nice if they weren't straight upgrades, or patches problem areas of the system, but really, there's so many other systems they could introduce, or reintroduce, arcanes aren't the one I'm excited about. 

I'm sure someone will like it and it's no biggy if they add some, but I feel like it's more bloat. It's be more satisfied if they share some of the existing arcanes so we don't have a single choice to acquire them. 

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On 2020-09-01 at 11:51 PM, (XB1)SirMilkfiend said:

Arcane Contagion - viral procs spread outwards infecting multiple enemies starting from the first victim

Arcane Rainbow - gains an elemental damage buff matching warframe energy colour 

Arcane Envy - receive half the healing teammates gain no matter the source of their healing.

Arcane Hitchhiker - ride piggyback on an allys Archwing or Necromech 😎


These sound awesome, I can't lie.


22 hours ago, BahamutKaiser said:

I'd rather not see arcanes on Deimos, there's so many new things, adding more of something we have a bloated amount of isn't interesting. 

It's either energize, or it's replacing energize, it's competing with the 2 or 3 healing arcanes, we have exodias nobody knows about. 

Some Necramech arcanes might be nice if they weren't straight upgrades, or patches problem areas of the system, but really, there's so many other systems they could introduce, or reintroduce, arcanes aren't the one I'm excited about. 

I'm sure someone will like it and it's no biggy if they add some, but I feel like it's more bloat. It's be more satisfied if they share some of the existing arcanes so we don't have a single choice to acquire them. 

I could understand that & I don't blame you for feeling that way about arcanes, I agree with you there. I guess my curiosity of what Arcanes on deimos would be like if they tried to keep them themed around infestation.

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Need an arcane for preventing player nausea in Deimos because no joke I get near throwing up whenever I go into free roam for longer than a couple minutes. 

Also an arcane to make mining nodes surrounded by thick bright neon boxes instead of tiny white lines.

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I'd like an arcane that gives Infested abilities:

Arcane Disruptor: on kill you have a chance to get an Ancient Disruptor's aura that makes you immune to enemy abilities (Commander teleport, Scorpion Ripline, Necramech grenades etc) for a short duration. 

Arcane Juggernaut: on being hit, you have a chance to gain a large amount of Armor, and create an area of damaging infested web around yourself for so many seconds.

Arcane Jugulus: on hitting an enemy, you have a % chance to spawn a friendly version of Jugulus' tentacle attack, hitting multiple enemies.

Arcane Carnis: on critical hit, adds a large bonus amount of Slash Damage to melee attacks for X duration.

Arcane Saxum: on kill, you get an ethereal version of Saxum's shoulder launchers, firing Toxic Projectiles at enemies.

Arcane Thereid: on kill, AoE attacks cover enemis in a slowing, sticky web.

Arcane Thrasher: on headshot, your next melee attack has a % chance to deal greatly increased damage. 

up to DE to decide what the arcanes go on and how they are activated, double points if they can make it look/feel less like an arcane, and more like an actual mutation on our Frame/Operator/Necramech.

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