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Some Mods That I Need Help With.



Hey guys, just log back into warframe and start from scratch and sorta new to the game, i have some mods which i cannot get as of right now:

1) Ravage

2) Hell's Chamber

3) Continuity

(If you guys have any extra of these or any idea where to farm these mods that would be much oblige, btw the planet that i can go to is earth, venus, mercury and mars)

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4 answers to this question

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Ravage: Ceres/Seimeni (Defense), Rotation B - Rare (8.43%)

Hell's Chamber: Ceres/Casta (Defense), Rotation B - Rare (8.33%) - Grustag 3 (Leekter & Shik Tal) also drop this at 10%

Continuity: Ceres/Casta (Defense), Rotation C - Rare (8.33%)

  Those are the better rates based on https://drops.warframestat.us which uses official drop data. That said, take up the offers above or ask in chat as these are mods most would have duplicates of already.
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