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Deimos: Too Much colorful and vibrant. Difficult to play for longer time


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9 minutes ago, (XB1)TyeGoo said:

since I normally love snow..

The problem with games and snow is they think it means everything needs to be white and bright... some games snowy areas may as well be equal to having a bright flash light pointed at my eyes. Is there some parts of the real world where having snow blinds you? I've gone through even blizzards that had sunlight and I never experienced it.

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I find Deimos' vibrant colours to be nice. My eyes have definitely no problem adapting to them.

5 minutes ago, Yamazuki said:

Is there some parts of the real world where having snow blinds you?

Sure. During sunny alpine days here in Switzerland, snow reflects the light, and the result is shockingly bright. It is very common for people to wear sunglasses in those days.

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Yes I can’t stand The red either it hurts my eyes it gives me a headache it could even cause retina damage so I really believe it needs to change it or tweak it I don’t understand why red yellow and orange everywhere because just look at nidus he isn’t completely red they should do a more mix of colors

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Agreed, big fights get very visually busy on Deimos and I start following the fight on the mini map. I have bloom, glare, film grain, reflections, motion blur and every other option I can find off, particle effects minimal and I still have to look away.

What also bothers me is that the landscape moves (neatly done but annoying because I use movement to pick things out). The option to stop this would be welcome.

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I like it, alien, ugly and beautiful, the unnatural made manifest in novel wildness.

I do however wish in such a visually busy game there was a bit more contrast in form and hue between landscape and enemies. Because when everything is adorned in seep and spore and slouching half melted asymmetry that glows with the same kinds of bioluminescence it gets hard to read it all.

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