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Jugulus mods


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When i first read about this mod sets, I was excited to see how it works as some stances do slam attacks but as I tested out;
1) you need to slam twice as on the first slam u triggered the effect and the second slam does the tendrils.
2) If you are using only 1 Jugulus mod just to make use of the tendrils the your window to spawn the tendrils is small, unless you have attack speed mods.

potential fixes, from my perspective;
Spawn the tendrils on first slam and make the tendrils spawns at the area of the slam for example, look up Path of Exile Ground Slam. Would suggest make the tendrils smaller so it does not obstruct player's pov. 
As for damage, how about making it % damage, for example 5% for each mod stack, capped at 15% based on base HP with max range of 10m (no changes for range) but I leave this damage part to Devs discretion as I worried that 15% is a bit too much, just giving an idea though.
No changes on the cooldown part but do add a cooldown timer on top right like how debuffs do shows u had used the effect. 

Hoping the Devs would read this and make this mod a bit effective. Thank You for reading.

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