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Hildryn pillage augment doesn't do anything


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Question: Have you tried using it with a Haven Hildryn in your squad to see if your ability/augment procs with their set-up condition? Or are you just going straight to "DE gib me two of her abilities so her synergy Augment works for me" complaints?

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6 minutes ago, Nez-Kal said:

Or are you just going straight to "DE gib me two of her abilities so her synergy Augment works for me" complaints?

To be fair on OP, DE should have considered this and adjusted it before launch. Perhaps another ability should have been used instead.


I assume it would work if a Hildryn was in your squad. But that means you actually need to find a Hildryn to play with you consistently.

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30 minutes ago, Loza03 said:

Read the tips section:




Several augments involve parts of the ability not present in the Helminth system, such as Ivara's.

That's a cop-out by DE saying "We know this'll probably be an issue, but we don't want to dedicate time/resources to dealing with it"

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3 hours ago, Divinehero said:

to be fair... it's a valid complaint considering we can still equip the augment

To be fair, you can also read the Augment, and see that it'll do nothing without Haven. 🙂

I mean, you can slot Redirection on Nidus if you like. Doesn't do anything, but that doesn't mean Redirection needs "fixing".

Wasn't the whole point of the Augment that Hildryn's Abilities were mostly useless against Infested? Other 'frames don't have that problem, so other 'frames don't need the Augment.

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... Why is Blazing Pillage even a 'pillage' augment

from the description sounds to me like it would be better categorized as a Haven augment.

Haven grants damaging Radiation AoE Auras, Blazing Pillage expands that damage type to include Heat... that sounds to me like its primarily a Haven augment. That enemies being burned are extra vulnerable to Pillage is an extra...

Just rename it Blazing Haven. Fixed.

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