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Eidolon lens bottleneck, tedious grind and POE bounties "challenges" not working


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Hello! I leave here my feedback on a couple of things that I'm founding frustrating in the game right now.

First of all the I find the grind for eidolon lens really boring. I've done all the POE bounties too many times and I don't enjoy them that much... Still, the tier 5 bounty is the only way to acquire the lens. The problem for me is that most of the bounties steps have some kind of timer and can't be speedran, the drop chance is not that high and this force me to spend an awful lot of time in the grind.

I think this isn't good for a couple of reasons: I have a Lua lens installed on a frame, Eidolon lens on some other and no lens or low level lens on all the others. I feel compelled to always use the frames with powerful lens, and I know that this goes against the concept of the game of engendering variety. Also, having to repeat the same activity over and over for an important item is tedious, I think there should always be at least an alternative (NOT plats. I happily spend plats on cosmetics but I don't like to feel forced to spend money to skip boring parts. The game should not profit from boredom).

Bounties challenges could help, but on POE there are a couple of challenges that usually go badly:

1. In the one where I have to defend the area I often uslessly wait for enemies to spawn while the counter goes down. Too often it goes below 50% even if I kill every enemy as soon as it spawns (with Mesa's 4 or other dirty tricks).

2. The "capture the enemy without killing anyone" is pretty bad. If I have a companion, I have to prey it doesn't kill anyone while I catch the target. Usually I hover with my archwing to find and hit the target, and quite often the bonus objective is failed nontheless. If it's night, some vomvalyst can appear and thier killings count as well, if it's daytime... I don't know, I suppose some greener kills himself. But it doesn't make much sense as a challenge to begin with, IMHO. 

Anyway, I usually have fun, much love for all you DE devs!

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On 2020-09-02 at 7:05 PM, (PS4)SandroTheDude said:

I think this isn't good for a couple of reasons: I have a Lua lens installed on a frame, Eidolon lens on some other and no lens or low level lens on all the others. I feel compelled to always use the frames with powerful lens, and I know that this goes against the concept of the game of engendering variety. Also, having to repeat the same activity over and over for an important item is tedious, I think there should always be at least an alternative (NOT plats. I happily spend plats on cosmetics but I don't like to feel forced to spend money to skip boring parts. The game should not profit from boredom).

Trust me. That's hell you're walking into. *Shirou noises*

Forget about farming and putting lenses on everything. It's gonna burn you out real quick and make you miss out on a ton of fun with different frames and weapons...


You're way better off just maxing out your Focus schools through Eidolon hunting... Or have a lens on a melee weapon and Saryn and just run ESO twice a day to cap out Focus. Once you're done with Focus you can breathe a sigh of relief and then forget all about lenses. 


But if we're giving feedback to devs: screw lens system, honestly. It indeed can steer you into feeling guilty for having actual fun instead of min-maxing and limiting your options...

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