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Warframe : Tempest


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I initially submitted this to the community warframe thread that ultimately made Xaku. Additional edits have been made since then.  https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1173028-open-call-for-warframe-theme-ideas/?do=findComment&comment=11424100

The Storm Warframe

Taking into the power of nature, the natural power that exists on every planet of the system, thats terrorized terrestrial civilizations throughout history. Now condensed into the form that resembles a man fit for battle. 

Tempest becomes the very embodiment of a storm, giving the thunder and crackling signs of its approach, and tearing through those unprepared when he arrives. Forging weaponry from the very storms he creates, he delivers weathering blows to anything thats in its path, leaving even the prepared to not be left unscathed. There is no calm before this storm, only after, after its destruction is long done as it carries on its path.

Tempest rampages through his enemies growing stronger as he does, building up the raging storm thats within. Unleashing this power, he withdraws a lightning rod embedded in his abdomen to channel and focus this energy to forge 3 weapon variants of pure power. A lightning hammer that slams shockwaves of electricity forward like storm surges. Transforming it into a greataxe that while in the air, assaults down hail with every swing and finally a greatsword that crackles booming thunder around him. Ensuring if you're not hit by the lightning impacts of the sword, that you'd wish you did from the shattering onslaught of the thunder that radiates after.


1- Lightning Jump - Surges electrical current through x-number of targets dealing electricity damage, appearing behind last enemy in the chain. Builds charge for Forecast.

2- Monsoon - Creates a storm cloud over head and follows Tempest. Enemies that enter within radius are randomly struck by lightning or hail. Dealing electric or frost procs respectively. Each enemy struck charges Forecast a little.

3- Updraft - Blows bellowing wind out in front that pushes and ragdolls enemies back, dealing constant impact damage and additionally sweeping up and turning loose dropped ammo and resources into deadly debris. Can hold to keep wind persisting.

4- Storm Surge - creates a lightning weapon with 3 forms. GreatAxe/greatsword/hammer. Uses same stance. Switches forms on heavy attack. Hammer makes traveling waves of electricity in a path in front of Tempest, GreatAxe causes hail to strike at aimed area when used during aerial attacks dealing cold damage. Greatsword causes radial blasting booms of thunder on every 3rd strike. 

Passive - lightning strike on slam attacks, draws enemies in on focal point. Charges Forecast dependent on how many enemies are hit.

Forecast: Built charge from abilities and passive, gives energy to use for Storm Surge.

Tempest Base Stat Distribution:

Armor: Average
Health: Slightly High
Shields: High
Energy: Average
Sprint Speed: Average

Electromagnet Jump - Lightning Jump Augment-
After Lightning Jumping, All enemies in the current get pulled together and suffer a magnetic proc. Allies who kill enemies under this effect gain additional magnetic damage for x- seconds, depending on how many enemies were affected by the current.

Downdraft Shift - Updraft Augment-
Using Updraft again immediately after casting, can reverse the wind, causing strong winds to blow back towards Tempest. The normal effects of Updraft are doubled when using Downdraft Shift. Using the Downdraft Shift component costs no energy but has a duration of X seconds that it can be held to persist.

Cloud Burst - Monsoon Augment- 
Targeting an ally while casting will instead cast Monsoon on them.  In addition, when Monsoon ends, the cloud will rapidly expand when it expires and dissipate , blinding all enemies in a X-meter radius.

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