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First thing.

Best open world by far.

Meaty part:

Here I'am hoping that old war really messes up the origin system.

By any chance could you include new destroyed planet tilesets as a result of the fighting between the factions and sentient.

On that note,

  • Is it possible for you guys to make ground based tile sets that are large enough for vehicles?
  • Call them "Sentient war zones"
  • In open world and "Sentient war zones" can you make changes so that we could use our railjacks at half speed with 4x damage to ground targets?
  • On top of this, could you put end game in this large multi tile sets "Sentient War zones" with vendors like the scarlet spear in some sort of large refugee hub?
  • In this end game multi-tile set open world "Sentient War zone" could you release the MR 20 to 25 end game weapons?


With love,

A lone tenno

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1 hour ago, puleknow said:

Is it possible for you guys to make ground based tile sets that are large enough for vehicles?

this might be closer than you think; there's been talk of allowing Necramechs in Normal missions, with the environment being the only restriction. depending on how it goes, maybe they'll think about allowing K-Drives and Archwing in normal missions as well.

1 hour ago, puleknow said:
  • Call them "Sentient war zones"
  • In open world and "Sentient war zones" can you make changes so that we could use our railjacks at half speed with 4x damage to ground targets?

as much as I love railjack and the idea of large battlefield maps, I'm not gonna hold my breath on something like that happening. plus we're still missing about half of railjack; the half where we fight Corpus, can solo with Command Intrinsic, Liches have their own Command Ships and Squad link is an actual thing.

1 hour ago, puleknow said:
  • In this end game multi-tile set open world "Sentient War zone" could you release the MR 20 to 25 end game weapons?


I doubt we'd ever get weapons with those requirements: DE wants everything to be "accessible" and the only way an MR requirement that high would be justified is if those weapons were blatantly overpowered, even for endgame. like an actual delete button for enemies. they would never want us to be THAT powerful..

the main content I want after Deimos is the rest of railjack. and maybe another Plague Star, just so I can fight discount Lephantis with my Necramech!

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