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Helminth System - Improvement regarding consumed frames, Name over flower etc.


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Source: https://imgur.com/a/IFRhiTD

Regarding the new Helminth System in warframe.
Would be a very nice niché to see when you sitting in the chair or in Arsenal to see what frame has been consumed already like the picture suggest...
So you dont do like i did before running 5 times down to helminth.. just to get the information "you already consumed this".

I want something that directly tells "Already Consumed"....

And when your in the Helminth, you can see on the right side of abilities the frames consumed.

Side Note: The flowers should if possible also have a "Frame-Name" above each of them saying what frame they refer to... because i see loads of flowers but i dont know what flower represent what frame etc... very very annoying.


Would be lovely to see this coming very soon please!


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  • 3 months later...
On 2020-09-03 at 6:32 PM, ZaZoTX said:

Source: https://imgur.com/a/IFRhiTD

Regarding the new Helminth System in warframe.
Would be a very nice niché to see when you sitting in the chair or in Arsenal to see what frame has been consumed already like the picture suggest...
So you dont do like i did before running 5 times down to helminth.. just to get the information "you already consumed this".

I want something that directly tells "Already Consumed"....

And when your in the Helminth, you can see on the right side of abilities the frames consumed.

Side Note: The flowers should if possible also have a "Frame-Name" above each of them saying what frame they refer to... because i see loads of flowers but i dont know what flower represent what frame etc... very very annoying.


Would be lovely to see this coming very soon please!


As someone suggested adding "searching by a frame" I think it would be nice to just add frame's name to an ability, like this:




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