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I’m still angry that DE nerfed some subsume abilities before they were even released


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I can understand being angry with DE for not not managing expectations better.  Or for how exactly they nerfed certain abilities, and haven't--as of yet--done an equal amount of boosting.  And I can definitely understand disbelief at how they approached the whole system in the first place.

But nerfing before release, on its own?  I've got no problem with that.  At all.   Honestly it showed some integrity.   It took guts to stick a knife in the hype pre-release rather than doing it  afterwards.

I'm waiting to see if they start upgrading  abilities in the next couple of months (I know that feels like an eternity to many people, but it's realistic to me) now that the rush to get the expansion on line and patched up is done with.  If that was an empty promise,  exasperation is definitely warranted.

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31 minutes ago, Tiltskillet said:
I'm waiting to see if they start upgrading abilities in the next couple of months (I know that feels like an eternity to many people, but it's realistic to me) now that the rush to get the expansion on line and patched up is done with. If that was an empty promise, exasperation is definitely warranted.

First bugs, then buffs. I think Deimos is far from fine yet.

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