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2 minutes ago, _Anise_ said:

I would say its not even good on defense missions, had one where the defense target was a guy and we had a nova on the team, it was the most boring long drawn out mission I ever did because the whole map was near frozen and it felt like an age waiting every single wave from stuff to come out of the woodwork and into kill range.


swear it must have dragged 10 extra minutes longer than it should and the enemies weren't even that high level

I'd assume they meant Speed Nova.  Because apparently no Nova should exist but ones that make enemies move and shoot even faster.  According to several random people I've teamed with (even in open world bounties based on timers) anyone playing Nova as designed is a moron who is doing it wrong.  OnO

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15 hours ago, (PS4)psycofang said:

I dont really care what most people do. The only warframe that causes me to occasionally leave the mission is Saryn.

Because i would actually like to play the video game and not watch someone wipe the room through walls over and over.

At least the mission is progressing and they're contributing.


Not directed to the above quote: I despise pure CC because it doesn't reward anything and it's boring because it's the same as if you had no enemies.

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After 567 items, I am super happy when someone does the missions for me. I think your point is extremely wrong, you want to call from a good guy, get a full squad and ask them to let you play. I think it is a waste of time to expose this type of opinion in the forum, at least reported a bug and not an opinion of mr24 extremely closed. Do it like me, let it play for you while you watch minecraft videos and have lunch. 

Do the following, create 4 accounts and play on all of them at the same time. That way you will be a squad of 4 men. Instead of problematizing superfluous things in a PVE game

Bye tenno _o/ 




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1 hour ago, NinjaZeku said:

Survival, where you don't want to keep enemies away.
They might also simply not know there are enemies caught in your Undertow, there's no indicator or anything.

The only way to scatter spawns in survival with that would be when players do not stick together which is a major problem apparently related to "competitive" people, as for undertow you raise up a very good point, outside of people waching enemies get into the pool the game needs some more visual cues for those kind of abilities.

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1 hour ago, GwinKyblood said:


After 567 items, I am super happy when someone does the missions for me. I think your point is extremely wrong, you want to call from a good guy, get a full squad and ask them to let you play. I think it is a waste of time to expose this type of opinion in the forum, at least reported a bug and not an opinion of mr24 extremely closed. Do it like me, let it play for you while you watch minecraft videos and have lunch. 

Do the following, create 4 accounts and play on all of them at the same time. That way you will be a squad of 4 men. Instead of problematizing superfluous things in a PVE game

Bye tenno _o/ 




Man, that's the point of the thread, I am not the one calling out nukeframes, I am the nukeframe being called out.

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18 hours ago, VanFanel1980mx said:

I know some players just don't know how to interact with some abilities but then there are players who just can't seem to stand having others doing too much, maybe is just me but lately I have been noticing a lot of players feeling "disrupted" on their plays by the mere existence of others, feels great when someone automatically tries to combo onto your abilities like mag pulling enemies into your Grenade Fan and stuff like that but a lot of other players seem quite unhappy with anything as minuscule as a greedy pull Nekros following them around trying to NOT kill as many enemies and just pulling all the loot and maybe accidentally some enemies, some of these issues may be solved if somehow the game was able to communicate things better, others can only be solved if DE just eliminated the scoreboard.

No offence but what I see, is a player that needs to play Solo.

Why play in public when you literally "forbid" (which to be clear isn't a thing) players from using their frames.

The stat-board is a stupid means to cause competition which therefore causes toxicity in the worst case scenario.


Warframe doesn't sound like the game for you.


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I agree with the OP, it is so annoying when other people do "x", it always disrupts my "y" and that drives me crazy!

I know I am playing a coop game, but other people should bring the perfect frame for my loadout and strategy into each mission and read my mind. Those that don't are trolls and also DE sucks for making the game this way, they should just delete Limbo and Loki and Valkyr, they should have long ago. 


But yeah OP I get your actual point. On a certain level those complaints are as old as the game, but I do feel like since the revive cancel thing, that coop in general took a hit in the game in terms of player attitudes. People running to revive each other seems to barely be a thing anymore, and when I run over with vazarin most of the time people have already wasted a life. 

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to add to another on this list that ive heard. As a Baruuk main, I've been told to not use my 2 or my 3 during a mission. because the Octavia's resonator wasn't gaining charges (and it wasn't the Octavia complaining). But, in all honesty, i understand the complaints of others, but there's ways to work around any ability in the game. Except Saryn on tissue paper enemies. 🤣

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1 hour ago, ChiefWolfZ said:

to add to another on this list that ive heard. As a Baruuk main, I've been told to not use my 2 or my 3 during a mission. because the Octavia's resonator wasn't gaining charges (and it wasn't the Octavia complaining). But, in all honesty, i understand the complaints of others, but there's ways to work around any ability in the game. Except Saryn on tissue paper enemies. 🤣

When I see Nidus and Harrow I kind of understand how things go so I even combo when possible, the real problem with Limbo I see is how not many players build him quite right so his kit is all over the place, all in all some problems could be solved if all players learned how the other frames work as soon as they are released but that can only be done if they had access to them.

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4 hours ago, VanFanel1980mx said:

Man, that's the point of the thread, I am not the one calling out nukeframes, I am the nukeframe being called out.

Well congratulations! You are one of the many reasons i no longer play warframe. I have said this before, but since there is no game to play with people spamming their BS, there is no point in anyone else being in the mission. Except to give you more enemies to nuke, of course. The real guestion is, if the game is so BORING you just want to skip the gameplay and replace it with pressing a single button, why are you still here?

Now imagine if you could choose how many and how quickly enemies spawn in solo/pre-made group. No one would ever have to deal with other people again, unless they choose to. I wonder if the reason it doesn't exist yet is the fact that warframe is pretending to be a COOP game? Only DE knows.

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8 hours ago, VanFanel1980mx said:

The only way to scatter spawns in survival with that would be when players do not stick together

No, a Slow Nova can very well mess up the flow simply by having enemies slowly waddle nearer from a tile or two away.

8 hours ago, VanFanel1980mx said:

which is a major problem apparently related to "competitive" people

You're blanketly putting things on other players that (I hope) only applies to a small portion of them.

Like, when someone, especially in a 5-10 minute Alert or whatever, doesn't feel the need to "camp" with the rest of the Squad,
that's (most likely) not them feeling the need of "me get bigger number than others" but just them wanting to move around a bit.

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On 2020-09-19 at 12:25 AM, VanFanel1980mx said:

"Stop ______"

  • Telling players how to play the game
  • Esp. If its in a public setting
  • If you would like to play with your certain rules
  • solo or recruiting works wonders 
  • You may ask why?
  • Because players can play however they want in a public setting
  • they don't have to listen to made up courtesies 
  • to make your life easier 
  • you look more like a controlling loser when posting things like this

I know some players just don't know how to interact with some abilities but then there are players who just can't seem to stand having others playing how they'd like to, maybe is just me but lately I have been noticing a lot of players feeling "entitled" on their plays by the mere existence of others in pubs, feels great when someone automatically tries to combo onto your abilities like mag pulling enemies into your Grenade Fan and stuff like that but a lot of other players seem quite entitled with anything as minuscule as a greedy pull Nekros following them around trying to NOT kill as many enemies and just pulling all the loot and maybe accidentally some enemies, some of these issues may be solved if somehow the game was able to stop trying to control public matches, others can only be solved if DE just eliminated the scoreboard.

Fixed it for you! I think this suits the topic better IMO not calling op a loser by any means its just very scummy and sad to see people expecting others to bend a knee to their playstyle

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You don't like nukes stealing your kills? you don't like other players stealing the target you were about to execute an awesome combo on? you don't like any variables that arise from the mere fact of other people just "Existing" in the squad? You don't like the fact others demand you play within a pattern of rules they decided the mission should be played on? THEN STOP USING PUBLIC MATCHMAKING!

Please stop expecting public groups to play to a standard that you came up with, and either make use of the "Recruitment chat" or go solo.

I understand this has beem said over and over and over and over and over and over and ... (still typing furiously) ... over again, yet people still ignore this simple answer.

This is in no way directed at the OP, rather at people that don't seem to understand what the issue actually is.

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On 2020-09-19 at 7:25 AM, VanFanel1980mx said:

"Stop using __________!"

  • Pull or Magnetize? because you are disrupting their kills one way or another.
  • Cataclysm? even if it is 8m wide on top of a capsule.
  • Molecular Prime? outside of Defense missions because chain reactions are credited to you.
  • Shadows of the Dead? because you confuse them even when you try to use visible colors and Shield of Shadows leashes.
  • Spores? because they die before they can hit the enemy.
  • Discharge? same as above plus you are stunning the enemies which is somehow a bad thing.
  • Strangledome? because enemies move too much while trapped.
  • Tentacle Swarm? same as above.
  • Undertow? because they can't kill the enemies, that is, players don't know they can shoot the pool.

I know some players just don't know how to interact with some abilities but then there are players who just can't seem to stand having others doing too much, maybe is just me but lately I have been noticing a lot of players feeling "disrupted" on their plays by the mere existence of others, feels great when someone automatically tries to combo onto your abilities like mag pulling enemies into your Grenade Fan and stuff like that but a lot of other players seem quite unhappy with anything as minuscule as a greedy pull Nekros following them around trying to NOT kill as many enemies and just pulling all the loot and maybe accidentally some enemies, some of these issues may be solved if somehow the game was able to communicate things better, others can only be solved if DE just eliminated the scoreboard.

Happens to me a bunch of times,I either way keep doing it or just stop doing anything at all letting them do most of the job lol

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The complaints about nova's molecular prime are pointless.

Its not nova at fault there. Its the players fault who play her that dont know how to play her.

You dont take slow novas everywhere. You switch between slow, fast and neutral nova depending on the mission.

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Only time I would complain (after asking nicely) is when someone is making the mission go much slower by using slow nova or something else that stops enemy in missions where you need to kill to progress. Defense is one, but theres also the Cauldron mission on Deimos where you need to kill inside the ring. It's already annoying enough sometimes without nova slowing em and the accidently or deliberately blowing em up outside. 

Other that that I dont mind rly. 

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