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Will we ever get to communicate with our Operators?


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This has been something that's bothered me ever since The Second Dream, one would think Squad-Link would have finally fixed this, or at least worked on it a little bit.

I know not everyone likes Operators, and for those who disagree with them I have no issue with having options to disable them, but I really wish our Operators were able to communicate more. I've not seen it happen in forever so it might have been taken out, but I remember when marking mods/resources the Operator would occasionally say things like "Mod Marked." and lines for self-reviving. The Operators exist, but they have a way of only being acknowledged when it is required of them, such as the Cinematic Quests.

I understand you'd want to limit this to avoid exposing it to players early, so for those I'd just simply not have those triggers for other clients without Second Dream completion.

Things like voice commands, that would display your Operator as a transmission for other players (again, options for this can exist for those who would hate it)  where the Operator would say something relevant to the mission and potentially allow gameplay where you can communicate with your team from a long distance without opening up chat mid-combat. "Mod Marked" would be something that can easily work in this way.

Squad-Link really bothers me because you see an unspoken message said from one squad to another, but it just displays their Warframe and name. I'd absolutely love it if the Operators spoke instead of displaying a Warframe, Squad-Link already makes the Warframe universe feel more open knowing there are others doing stuff at the same time, but again, a non-vocal warframe in a kneeling pose kind of feels jarring when many of us have Operators that can speak. Maybe it's not for everyone but it would just really be the finishing touch that I'd personally love to see added.

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I guess it would be neat, but most of the time, the Operators never really have anything of value to say, and one can argue that silent protagonists are better at allowing the player to immerse themselves into the game. I'd have loved it if DE had kept the sun/moon morality system and had different dialogue based on your alignment (enthusiastic dialogue for Sun, normal for neutral, edgy dialogue for Moon.), it would have much more immersion and overall "wow" factor. sadly though, DE forgot about it, like they have done so many things.

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That'd be an amazing idea. One can only hope... 

For example, operators could say situational lines, like:

Shields down! 

Good to go, good as new, tadaa!, I got you, etc (when reviving) 

Thanks (when revived) 

Deploying archgun!  

When in void mode they could whisper

Anyway, u get the idea ^^




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