this might be a bug, but there are a few loot readings, I'm just not sure if the loot glitched out or if there is a secret way into the pipe, this site ain't letting me upload the screenshot directly so here's an flickr link with the screenshot, if anyone needs a screenshot of the area where it says the loot is, lmk how to do it without xbox game bar since it won't let me take another one without pausing the game
this might be a bug, but there are a few loot readings, I'm just not sure if the loot glitched out or if there is a secret way into the pipe, this site ain't letting me upload the screenshot directly so here's an flickr link with the screenshot, if anyone needs a screenshot of the area where it says the loot is, lmk how to do it without xbox game bar since it won't let me take another one without pausing the game
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