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Time to Finish Warframe Noggles!


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So I'm still kind of disappointed that 1 1/2 of my lotus flowers are missing. I've subsumed 15 warframes so far, and I was thinking - hey I know, I'll get Noggles for them all.


They don't have Octavia?  wha.... ? or Khora?  Hey, these are pretty popular frames, and they got all these weird characters I don't even know, and they're not keeping up with the Warframes.

DE, I'm so sad, but I will buy the others as soon as they become available, so long as you let me know!

Missing from my submum nation are Octavia, Khora, Harrow, Hildryn, and Garuda.

Idk who else might be missing, but really, you got over 130 noggles, but not the 44 warframes - I hope you are embarassed by this oversight...

EDIT: Wall goop covering flowers fixed in last patch - Thx DE!

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Well, the Helminth system gave me a reason to collect Noggles (of warframes), and a place to put them (on the glass floor in front of the flowers). 

I don't expect DE to respond, but hey, thought I would put up a thread.  ...time to finish warframe noggles...


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Subsummed another warframe yesterday - Nidus. No noggle for him either - Nidus is another very popular frame - I mean, I've always only used him to open the door, but a lot of people like him.

(yeah, I know, I'm talking to myself - but wanted to add Nidus to the list of MIA noggles)

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1 hour ago, (XB1)Hyperion Rexx said:

Dont we get the noggle when the prime gets released?

Whenever I've bought a PA, I get a noggle of that frame for Christmas from de.

Well - that makes sense, nobody on my list has as prime yet... I'll try to verify that, but it doesn't give me much hope - means they have to Prime all those warframes before I could get the noggles (yeeeesh) 

Thanks for posting! 🍺

EDIT:  Looks like the deal, the only non-Prime warframe I have a noggle for is Nezha, also Baruuk is non-Prime with a noggle.

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