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How are you supposed to kill eidolons as a player new to the gamemode



I know this has been talked about a lot but as a mainly solo player the barrier to start eidolon hunting is insane. I have watched probably a dozen guides, I have an upgraded amp, I have weapons and builds set up just for eidolon hunting, and it still takes me 30 minutes just to destroy the 4 teralyst joints. And after all that, it goes into its regen phase and despite there being no vomvalysts present it still regens. What am i doing wrong? How does it regen shields even if I kill all the vomvalysts? I just want some arcanes so I can try some end game builds but every time it try to get into eidolon hunting I end up quitting the game because there is such a ridiculous entry barrier. Even if I managed to kill all 3 in a night am I supposed to farm eidolons for 100s of hours just to get the first couple tiers of arcanes I want? How to solo players get past this?

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1 minute ago, saghzs said:

You claimed it was impossible to achieve what a 4x3 squad can do, solo.
Now you say it is possible...

All I said is that a full, experienced squad is going to achieve more than a solo player. 4x3 is just a common amount of runs that squads do. Semantics aside, OP should consider finding a squad or further refining their solo strats & equipment.

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Eeeh. I started out soloing eidolons with a Rhino, opticor and mote amp (and zero focus). That was a fun S#&$show that took whole night to maybe kill a terry, but got me enough cores to up standings to build an amp that doesn't suck as much. Though Rhino was quickly switched out for Oberon, and Opticor for lanka I think.

I wouldn't run solo for arcane farming though. Except maybe for the initial set of nullifiers, but even they aren't that necessary, just convenience. You need to do a LOT of tricaps (hunderds to thousands) to get all the arcanes in good quantities, and soloing that is too much stress. Esp. Hydro. Because 8 VS stacks are obviously not enough for the whole loop, so it drags out with the risk of portals, and lures upkeep may become a headache.

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Redeemer is a good budget option because it is capable of insane burst damage without a riven - far higher than any sniper rifle at 0 shot combo, so it is very efficient with void strike.

It isn't necessary to build melee combo to one shot. You do not even need to shoot the head. It does so much damage you can shoot hydrolyst in the nuts and it will result in an instant kill anyway. The biggest drawbacks with Redeemer are:

1) It is very short range and suffers enormous damage fall off. To consistently one shot, you have to be standing right under the eidolon and aiming almost straight up. Vertical aiming is hard because the more vertical you go, the more your lateral (side to side) mouse movement becomes rotational. The armpits and head are tricky to hit, especially when the eidolon is moving. If you watch really good players using redeemer, you will see them taking up positions on high ground and steep slopes so they are closer to the armpit synovias and can aim more horizontally. That or they are straight up aim gods and land their vertical shots anyway.

2) It is a melee weapon so you cannot use an exodia contagion zaw to quickly grab lures without spending void strike.

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I want to echo Lolacrayola that you may want to use a heavy attack build Redeemer Prime.

For solo Teralyst hunting, it might be the best new eidolon hunter weapon because it can break a knee synovia in 1 shot (put Gladiator mods on your Deconstructor/Helios for the set bonus). For "arm" synovias you need more shots because of the reduced damage from falloff.

On the final phase, build up your combo multiplier to 12x when the Teralyst is down by repeatedly attacking it with the RedeemerP. With 12x combo multiplier you could one shot his head with the heavy attack when he gets up.

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hace 16 horas, Paradoxoglanis dijo:

I know this has been talked about a lot but as a mainly solo player the barrier to start eidolon hunting is insane. I have watched probably a dozen guides, I have an upgraded amp, I have weapons and builds set up just for eidolon hunting, and it still takes me 30 minutes just to destroy the 4 teralyst joints. And after all that, it goes into its regen phase and despite there being no vomvalysts present it still regens. What am i doing wrong? How does it regen shields even if I kill all the vomvalysts? I just want some arcanes so I can try some end game builds but every time it try to get into eidolon hunting I end up quitting the game because there is such a ridiculous entry barrier. Even if I managed to kill all 3 in a night am I supposed to farm eidolons for 100s of hours just to get the first couple tiers of arcanes I want? How to solo players get past this?

Eidolons are not designed for new player or solo player ... as simple as that .... learn the meaning of "progression" , you want to "test" endgame builds but you dont have even the basics things ? .

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As a new player? With difficulty. Warning: very long post incoming. Do not worry about the details too much at this stage because you will pick it up gradually the more you play. Eventually it will become muscle memory and you act on instinct. But by infodumping everything at once it should give you an idea of what solo eidolon hunting involves and that it is a long term goal. As long as you find it fun enough to keep playing, you will get there in time.

To solo hunt you need:

1. Madurai Void Strike

2. An amp with a crit scaffold (either Shraksun or Propa)

3. An Arcane called "Virtuos Shadow"

4. A weapon modded for radiation that is capable of high damage per pellet (commonly a sniper rifle or a heavy attack gunblade build such as Redeemer Prime)

5. lots of consumables (mainly large energy restores)

If you are soloing, you also need to know a lot about Plains of Eidolon mechanics - how objects load into the map, where lures spawn (typically at or near grineer encampments), where Vomvalysts can spawn, where Teralysts can spawn (always from a body of water indicated by a pillar of blue light), what direction the Teralyst will stagger when you break a limb (always to the opposite side of the limb that is broken) etc. 

It also helps to know how to capture and charge lures quickly without dismounting archwing and without "shooting" as this will use Void Strike stacks. A common method of conserving Void Strike is to damage lures and vomvalysts using an exodia contagion zaw and killing using the projectile that shoots out when you air melee while aim gliding after a double jump (which can be done in mid air after dismounting archwing). Another common way of charging lures without shooting is to spam Madurai Blazing Dash through Voms so the fire trails hurt them.

You also need to know how long you need to stack Void Strike to one shot the Teralyst's shields and limbs and when you don't have that much VS, how many times you have to shoot. In this regard, it helps to understand the arithmetic behind operator amp damage. It is not complicated math but because it involves multiplication, it can be difficult to visualize where your damage is coming from.

The meta amp is Raplak, Propa, Certus (177). The secondary fire mode fires a single slow moving projectile that explodes after a few seconds with a 50% chance to crit. If it crits, it will do 1459 damage. If it does not crit it will do 359 damage. If you get a headshot, you have a 40% chance to proc Virtuos Shadow which gives 60% more crit chance. 0.5 x (1 + 0.6) = 0.8. So if you proc Virtuos Shadow, you have an 80% chance to crit. Instead of 1 every 2 shots not critting on average, it becomes 1 every 5 shots on average. This is important as you will see below.

You can proc virtuos shadow without shooting (thereby conserving Void Strike) by operator dashing at the head. Remember it is a 40% proc chance, so you may have to dash back and forth multiple times.

Teralyst has 28,724 shield hp. If you break a limb with one fully charged lure within 50m of the Teralyst, it will not be able to teleport to another lake and its shield will regenerate to 50% (14,362 hp).

Void Strike is an infinitely stacking damage multiplier for 8 shots based on how long you spend crouched in operator mode. Once you use up your 8 shots, your damage multiplier will reset. It stacks at a rate of 12% per second meaning that if you crouch for 9 seconds you will have a 2.08x damage multiplier. This works on your operator's amp and your warframe's gun.

I use Volt to solo because of his 3 ability (electric shield). This gives a 2x crit damage multiplier and also works on your operator's amp and warframe's gun.

How much void strike multiplier do we need to 1 shot Teralyst's 50% shield assuming you crit?

1459 x 2 = 2,918     //this is your damage if you crit while firing through electric shield

14,362 / 2918 = 4.93    //this is how much void strike multiplier you need to do at least 14.3k damage on crit.

Or to write it another way, if you have 4.93x void strike, you shoot through an electric shield and you crit, then your damage will be:

1459 x 4.93 x 2 = 14,385 damage

Now what happens if you have 4.93x void strike but you don't crit? Well you don't get 2x crit damage multiplier from electric shield so here are the numbers:

359 x 4.93 = 1769 damage.

This is why proccing Virtuos Shadow is so important. The difference between amp crits and non crits is absolutely enormous and it is difficult to intuit this without doing the math.

How long do you have to be crouched in operator to reach 4.93x void strike?

4.93 / 0.12 = 41 seconds

There is dead time in the hunt where you can easily do this. For example, after you break all of Teralyst's limbs it will go into a falling down animation which lasts 3 seconds. Then it will lay on the ground for 30 seconds then go into a standing animation that lasts 15 seconds. Total = 48 seconds from the time the last limb breaks to the time it regains its health bar for the headshot phase. This will give you 7 stacks of at least 5.7x void strike for the Gantulyst. In reality, you have time to get a lot more than this if you move around the map using operator dash (instead of archwing) as you will continue to stack void strike while moving. However, this will use a lot of energy restores.

To do limb damage on a budget, your best bet is to use redeemer prime and a heavy attack build like this: https://overframe.gg/build/11877/redeemer-prime/ripdolon-definitely-not-op-crit-redeemer/

This weapon has heavy fall off damage as range increases, so you have to be very close to the eidolon - standing almost at its feet and aiming straight up. You will only use the secondary fire (heavy attack). If using Redeemer though, you cannot use an exodia contagion zaw to grab lures without spending void strike so there is a tradeoff here.

The rest of solo hunting is about saving time whenever you are not shooting shields and limbs. This means knowing where you can get a lure, where to spawn 2 vomvalysts and then (for example) grabbing the third underneath the teralyst. This requires you to hit the eidolon before 27 seconds on the host timer. It is about hyper min/maxing your void strike economy so you spend as much time as possible crouched in void mode and only leave it when you have to shoot or use warframe abilities. It is about grabbing additional lures during dead time such as energy spikes. You hold position on a charged lure to stop the eidolon teleporting to another lake, you fly off and hack another lure without dismounting archwing and you fly back, head dash to proc shadow, reposition behind volt shield and shoot. You have 15 seconds to do this.

All of this will seem overwhelming which is why I do not suggest learning how to hunt eidolons by soloing. I highly recommend getting a clan mate or a recruitment chat carry so you can see how other people play. In groups you will also divide all these jobs up into roles. So you have 1 person killing limbs, 2 people killing shields and 1 person gathering lures. Because 2 to 3 people are shooting their amps vs shields, you do not have to worry too much about crit rng and missing your Virtuos Shadow proc. If you don't crit thats ok. At least one of your teammates probably will.

Nobody learns all of this at once. They start in groups and do teralysts. Then teralyst + gantulyst. Then they get their first hydrolyst. Then they attempt 2x3s. Each time you play, you learn a new technique to save a few seconds. After hundreds of captures, you will have a lot of techniques that you just do automatically without thinking. Start slow and build up speed. Learn the tech in groups and by watching people in your group who are really good. Learn to play multiple roles. Learn to play the DPS, the VS Volt and the Trinity. When you solo, you will have to perform all 3 of those roles yourself and be able to time manage it properly. But as you will find, as you get into fast groups like 5x3, there is considerable overlap in roles. The trinity for example will shoot shields and grab additional lures during energy spikes. This is a time saving technique that will help you a lot when solo hunting, but the best place to learn it imho is to learn how to play trinity, starting in slow groups and building up to fast groups. Then you can apply what you have learned to your solo hunt.

Its a long term goal but one that I think is really rewarding. After 590 hydrolyst captures, there are still so many things I can improve. Still so many techniques I want to learn to achieve better time savings. Eidolon hunting is just one of those things I found endlessly fascinating and I haven't got bored of it yet. I hope you stick with it and find it as rewarding as I have.

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1 hour ago, Paradoxoglanis said:

So che se ne è parlato molto, ma come giocatore principalmente solista la barriera per iniziare la caccia all'eidolon è folle. Ho visto probabilmente una dozzina di guide, ho un amplificatore aggiornato, ho armi e build configurate solo per la caccia all'eidolon, e mi ci vogliono ancora 30 minuti solo per distruggere le 4 articolazioni del teralyst. E dopo tutto ciò, entra nella sua fase di rigenerazione e nonostante non siano presenti vomvalizzatori, si rigenera ancora. Che cosa sto facendo di sbagliato? Come rigenera gli scudi anche se uccido tutti i vomvalisti? Voglio solo degli arcani così posso provare alcune build di fine gioco, ma ogni volta che provo ad entrare nella caccia all'eidolon finisco per lasciare il gioco perché c'è una barriera di accesso così ridicola. Anche se riuscissi a uccidere tutti e 3 in una notte, dovrei coltivare eidolon per centinaia di ore solo per ottenere i primi due livelli di arcani che voglio? Come superare i giocatori in solitario?

Ciao! Per gli Eidolon ti consiglio arcane che ti portano critico, cecchino (ti consiglio il rubico o rubico prime, vectis etc..), eagari anche un chroma che fai molto più danno usando la terza abilità. Se hai un team portati un Harrow, Trinity, Chroma e un Volt andrebbero bene. Benvenuto! ^^

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Just now, Teksorbkyva said:

Oh for sure, but having 3 other players to perform tasks like buffs, Vomvalyst control, and lure grabbing speeds it up by a fair bit.

You claimed it was impossible to achieve what a 4x3 squad can do, solo.
Now you say it is possible...

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Solo is the most difficult way to encounter Eidolons. it has the highest Gear requirements. you can always have other Players around to make things significantly easier for you - not by them carrying you but by them being able to perform other roles so that you don't have to do all of them at once.

also the Vomvalysts on the last Phase Regenerate the Eidolons' Health, not Shields. the Shields reset with each Limb phase either way.

7 minutes ago, Teksorbkyva said:

a solo player cannot achieve what an experienced 4x3 squad can manage in a single night cycle.

as forementioned, those numbers are totally possible Solo. Squads brings that to 6 or theoretically 7, not 4.

i'm certainly not an expert but i know what i'm doing and for your Teralyst example - i can Capture a Teralyst in around 4 minutes, 5 if i get unlucky with RNG.

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2 minutes ago, Teksorbkyva said:

Even with an incredibly meta setup, a solo player cannot achieve what an experienced 4x3 squad can manage in a single night cycle.

You can easily do 4x3 solo, people have even done 5x3 solo.
Yes, it requires a lot of effort, but its definitely possible.

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15 minutes ago, Paradoxoglanis said:

I know this has been talked about a lot but as a mainly solo player the barrier to start eidolon hunting is insane. I have watched probably a dozen guides, I have an upgraded amp, I have weapons and builds set up just for eidolon hunting, and it still takes me 30 minutes just to destroy the 4 teralyst joints. And after all that, it goes into its regen phase and despite there being no vomvalysts present it still regens. What am i doing wrong? How does it regen shields even if I kill all the vomvalysts? I just want some arcanes so I can try some end game builds but every time it try to get into eidolon hunting I end up quitting the game because there is such a ridiculous entry barrier. Even if I managed to kill all 3 in a night am I supposed to farm eidolons for 100s of hours just to get the first couple tiers of arcanes I want? How to solo players get past this?

If it's arcanes you're after, solo is not the way to go. Like a lot of things in the game, soloing them is possible but not time efficient. Even with an incredibly meta setup, a solo player cannot achieve what an experienced 4x3 squad can manage in a single night cycle. I haven't done many of them myself, but last I tried to solo a Teralyst it took about 12 minutes with my most streamlined build (that was over a year ago tho, haven't tried it since.)

Edit: Since you've read guides and such, you're probably familiar with how it should go: acquire a couple lures, find the eidolon, take down its shield with amp, take out a weak point. Rinse and repeat until it falls to the ground and calls for Voms, then finally take it out and let the lures capture it. Taking down the shield is typically the longest part since amps aren't as powerful as the (usually) sniper rifle you're using to take out the synovia points, so teams tend to bring a Volt whose shield can buff critical damage for amps and make the process quicker. As for taking out the synovia, I ran a Lanka with Radiation damage for the longest time, put about 5 forma into it. It was a bit of a pain to use because of charge and travel time but I was soon able to upgrade to a Rubico Prime w/ a riven and always one-shot them with a Chroma build.

I'm curious, what weapons, frame, and amp are you using?

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