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umbria necromech loss of frame control bug


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symptom: after swiching to frame cannot control frame cannot use abilitys as all abilitys are blocked for some reason cannot swich to opperator mode and frame still attacks enimys on its own as if you are not controling it you can still shoot but cannot call archwing / kdrive / nekromech / archgun only fix is to abort mission

3 tests on orb vallis show that bug can be done easily requirements : excalibur umbria frame and a necromech

bug reproduction is : as umbria call down nechromech walk away from mech and switch to operator mode to switch frame to auto mode as operator walk up to mech and enter mech (umbria frame should be running around as normal) using mech walk over to frame and switch back to frame from mech camera will swich back to frame and mech will react as player switched back to frame but frame will still be in auto umbria mode so will not respond to player (locking up controls)

bug avoidance: when switching back to frame from necromech player must move away from frame so they will switch to operator from mech then the operator moves away from mech and can switch back to frame without causing the bug

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