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(XBOX)Snakey Jxsh

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It's all what's in your heart. Just keep opening rivens until you find one that gives you that special feeling. One that you feel comfortable spending your time with. A riven that you think about even when you're not playing warframe. A riven you want in your inventory for the rest of your days.

That's how you'll know when you've found a "good riven".

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It's complicated and requires actual game knowledge and experience, but in general:

Keep popular weapons that will be used regardless of dispo: Vectis, Rubico, Kronen, Fulmin etc. You can sell them even unrolled for good amount of plat, like 200 to 400. I can't even buy an unrolled Kronen riven for 250, for example. People know it's a hot commodity so they could probably get much more for it. If it has good stats like Range, attack speed and crit damage for example, that's probably gonna go for 600 to 1500+ it all depends on the buyer and how long you can hold out for and not sell it cheap for easy plat.

Keep anything that has a combination of Critical damage, critical chance, multishot, toxin damage, attack speed or melee damage with -puncture and -impact. Those are all important stats so if you get a combination of them it's perfect.

-Status duration is garbage I think personally and wont buy anything that has it.

Just think about how to properly mod: If you get a riven with a decent dispo that has Crit damage, attack speed and crit chance, that means you can probably remove Fury and put something else in its place. Rivens help free up mod slots by giving you multiple good stats in one mod. 

Sniper rifles for example can only get the same amount of crit chance because there's only Point strike, so any Rubico riven with criti chance and some other good stats like -zoom (people hate zoom and +zoom) and multishot for example is really good.

Stat sticks are rivens with high dispos that people use for things like Khoras 1 and Garas 1. Weapons with high dispos like the Amphis are popular because its high dispo. You can roll something that has like 320 melee damage and 296 crit chance for example. My riven for khora for example was a Tekko Prime that has 300 melee damage and 300 crit damage.

You can look up weapon dispositions on the wiki and just be aware of what's "in" and save rivens because you never know what someone may to buy. Passively get kuva and roll a few every now and then.

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53 minutes ago, (XB1)Snakey Jxsh said:

how do you know how good a riven is and how much it would sell for

Go to Riven Market and filter Rivens for the same weapon and the same base bonusses or as close as you can get. You can then compare the results with your Riven for a general value ballpark.

Don't do trade chat. They'll say your Riven sucks and try to buy it for 5 platinum.

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47 minutes ago, sly_squash said:

It's all what's in your heart. Just keep opening rivens until you find one that gives you that special feeling. One that you feel comfortable spending your time with. A riven that you think about even when you're not playing warframe. A riven you want in your inventory for the rest of your days.

That's how you'll know when you've found a "good riven".

This was wholesome.

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