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Ur / Kelpie Disruption rewards wrong?



So I'm back after about a year off from the game and set on grinding out the primes currently available. I'm missing one piece from Equinox and Tenno Zone says that the best place to get it is the A rotation of disruption from either Ur or Kelpie. I've done nearly 50 rounds now (stopping at round 2 and starting again to maximize the A rotation drops) and have not gotten a single Meso E4 relic from the drops. Normally I'd just chalk this up to terrible RNG, but in all those rounds, I've only gotten a few relics at all with some random mods mixed in, which is really weird as according to the wiki, there's literally nothing but relics in those reward tables. So now I'm wondering if the stated rewards are wrong, or if I'm doing something wrong in stopping after only two rounds. Anyway, some help would be greatly appreciated in sorting this out as I'd hate to have to pay for a part that I can't seem to farm correctly for...


EDIT: So I re-read and then re-re-read the wiki and I figured out my own issue ultimately. I'd gone in thinking that each conduit should have given a reward, when in reality that was a massive misunderstanding on my part and instead each round gives a reward with the number of conduits completed determining what pool the reward was pulled from. This is why I'd only ever get two relics for doing two rounds and also why I never got a Meso E4 as to get an A table drop, you have to intentionally fail some conduits. IMO this is TERRIBLE reward design as it requires you to intentionally perform poorly to get anything at all from the first table. I think I'll follow McCloud's advice and go for Ukko instead as that will go faster and doesn't require intentionally failing.

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3 minutes ago, (XB1)Greenguy5000 said:

tenno zone must be REALLY wrong if it says equinox is on either of those nodes since that equinox drops from tyl regor
ur is for getting gauss's signature weapons from the demolishers (both have a 1.25% chance)
and kelpie is for getting gauss on the c rotation

Tenno zone is for prime part planning, equinox prime is going to be in some of the relics on those reward tables
EDIT 2: 
i see you are prime farming, why did you expect anything other than relics, how long has it been since you've farmed for primes?

Did you even read the post?

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9 minutes ago, McCIoud said:

Id swap to Ukko in the void for Meso E4 farming, you can get those done in under a minute if you are fast enough

I'm going to give this a try instead as I figured out the original problem. Turns out to get a Meso E4 from either of the disruption nodes I'd tried, you actually have to intentionally fail some of the conduits...

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