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"Subsume Warframe" missing


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This morning I went to my Helminth to check on the status of my last subsuming. The wall appears to be clear, no sign of a warframe being subsumed, so I sat down to look at the "Subsume Warframe" ability to make sure the counter was gone. Previously, if a warframe was still in the process of being subsumed there would be a counter counting down on that ability and it would be grayed out untilk the counter reached zero. Then the ability would be usable again.

This morning however the ability to subsume is completely missing from my Helminth. My Helminth has been max level (10th metamorphosis) for a few days now, nut I just discovered Subsume Warframe was missing this morning ... after yesterday's hotfix which add the "Incomplete" tab to the Helminth.

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Just to clarify for any others, it is in the middle of the list if you've been busy subsuming warframes. Abilities you've done will be at the top, subsume is after those (somewhere in the middle) and then the abilities for frames you haven't done will be after that. So if you've only done a few frames, it will be near the top and if you've done one a day since Helminth was added to the game, you'll find subsume in the middle like I do.

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Yeah, that does not help. There is a "search" feature that lets you search for a power, including Subsume. Subsume is still not showing on my list of things for the Helminth to do.


I think the reason it is in the middle for you is because it is always show after the list of powers available to you to install on a warframe and before the list of powers you do not have yet. Before they added the incomplete list Subsume was always the last one for me. Once they added the incomplete list Subsume showed up between the complete and incomplete list (so sort of middle ish like you are saying). However, mine is specifically gone. It's not there. The last warframe I subsumed was Excaliber, and my Helminth has the ability to install Radial Blind now, which means the Helminth is done subsuming Excaliber. Yet subsume is no where on the list of abilities again, even though my Helminth is max metamorphosis.



So, I decided to try something. I put on a frame I knew it would NOT let me subsume (in this case Equinox Prime) and went back to my Helminth. Suddenly the Subsume ability showed up on the list again with the overlay about it being a prime frame so it cant do it. I then switched back in the warframe I had been trying to Subsume (Hydroid) and Subsume is once again on the list and I was able to have my Helminth eat Hydroid. Tomorrow morning I will check it again and see if Subsume has once again been removed from the display. If so I will test my little fix again and report back the results.



So here we are the next morning and it did the exact same thing. Subsume was missing. I switched to a prime frame, subsume showed up again, I switched back to the frame I wanted to subsume and was able to subsume it. It looks like each time a subsume completes the subsume ability fails to be redisplayed in the list for me until I sit in the chair with a prime frame so that it tells me it can't subsume that one which somehow resets the subsume ability so I can use it.

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