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Rocket launcher with a BIP BIP sound


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Hello, I've been playing Warframe for 1000+ hours and I have been awaiting for a rocket launche type weapon since the beginning. Plase make one... It has to do the BIP BIP BIIIIP sound while aiming (like in GTA 5) then shot a rocket, like Ogris. If you just add the BIP sound to the Ogris while aiming I'm also OK with that. Please I really need it, help me.

Your sincerely, eraptor.

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Il y a 2 heures, Circle_of_Psi a dit :

So with what I could try to understand from the OP, he wishes to have a Homing Rocket the "Noise" it makes is the bacily the tracking locking on.


A bit premature to have but it be nice to have some sort of tracking for a RPG

Yes that's it! the lock on sound is what I wish... even if there's no lock on, as long as we have the sound it would give us a feeling of preparing something really big for the mobs and give more satisfaction upon charging the big shot.

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